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          What Economists Are REALLY Interested In: Readers’ Favorites 2013


What Economists Are REALLY Interested In: Readers’ Favorites 2013

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At times it is hard to believe how fast time flies – yet another year is over! 2013 was an exciting year for the INOMICS blog: in 12 months, the number of readers quadrupled, the blog was launched in 3 additional languages (Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese), and we got ever more inspiration to share interesting and useful resources, research and stories with the academic community.

Naturally, some topics proved to be especially popular among our readers: in this post we would like to share with you the most read posts on the INOMICS blog in 2013 and hence evidence of which topics really move economists!

1. Most economists seem to be wondering How Much Econ Professors Earn  and want to know exact salaries by country, including Salaries for Economists in Latin America.

2. The popularity of Top Economics Summer Schools 2013 proves that economists are really keen on learning, especially when a course is short and takes place next to the seaside.

3. The surprising popularity of Would You Date an Economist maybe raises some concerns about truly important matters for economists.

4. Quite predictable given the spark in popularity of MOOCs, Free Online Courses in Econometrics, Mathematics, Statistics & Data Analysis and Top YouTube Channels to Learn Econometrics & Economics were the top shared posts in 2013.

5. Economists really want to know what the Top Economics Blogs out there are, but before diving into these kinds of lists, it can make sense to understand how and by whom the top economics blogs are determined.

6. It is not just Economics Blogs, however, where economists search for excellence. University Rankings for Economics and Econ Department Directories together with the lists of the Top Econ Departments in Latin America, Europe and Asia sparked a discussion about different methodologies of existing rankings systems.

7. Interest in deepening the knowledge of econometrics is obvious, given the number of readers of Introduction to Econometrics and Econometrics Conferences 2014

8. Young economists, who are just now deciding the course of their career, made an extraordinary amount of visits to the articles: Should You Get a PhD in Economics? Links and Resources and MBA vs PhD in Economics

9. Those who are mentoring students themselves already, are very keen to find out How to Teach Economics

10. Chinese PhDs vs US PhDs, a post that reveals a skyrocketing number of PhDs in China, is closing the list of the top ten trending topics on INOMICS blog 2013.

What were your favorite posts from Econ blogs this year? Share them with us in the comments and, of course, Happy New Year!

Image Credit: Marco Förster on Flickr

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