This scholarship page was last updated on 15 March 2023. Some details may have changed since then. Please check the Department of Commerce Economic Development Administration website or the Department of Commerce Economic Development Administration page for current opportunities.

FY 2023 EDA Public Works and Economic Adjustment Assistance Programs

Department of Commerce Economic Development Administration
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*NEW APPLICATION PROCESS - PLEASE READ* EDA is excited to announce the launch of its new grants management platform: the Economic Development Grants Experience (EDGE). EDGE was developed to streamline the application and grants management process by implementing a single platform with increased transparency, improved user experience, higher data quality, and more efficiency throughout the entire grant lifecycle. Applications for PWEAA2023 will only be accepted through EDGE. To apply for funding under this NOFO, please review the NOFO here on and go to: to apply. More information on how to apply is provided in the full NOFO. If you are still interested in applying through, you can do so through the PWEAA2020 NOFO until it closes on April 5th at 11:59pm EST. Program Overview: EDA has authority to provide grants to meet the full range of communities’ and regions’ economic development needs from planning and technical assistance to construction of infrastructure. These grants are made through a series of Notices of Funding Opportunity (NOFOs) that can be found on EDA’s website at and are designed to support the economic development activities most useful to a community based on its needs and circumstances. EDA funds community or regionally generated ideas and assists communities to advance to the next level of economic development. This NOFO, which supersedes the FY20 PWEAA NOFO, sets out EDA’s application submission and review procedures for two of EDA’s core economic development programs authorized under the Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965, as amended (42 U.S.C. § 3121 et seq.) (PWEDA): (1) Public Works and Economic Development Facilities (Public Works) and (2) Economic Adjustment Assistance (EAA). EDA supports bottom-up strategies that build on regional assets to spur economic growth and resiliency. EDA encourages its grantees throughout the country to develop initiatives that present new ideas and creative approaches to advance economic prosperity in distressed communities. Through this NOFO EDA intends to advance general economic development in accordance with EDA’s investment priorities, but also to pursue projects that, where practicable, incorporate specific priorities related to equity, workforce development, and climate change resiliency so that investments can benefit everyone for decades to come.
Categories: Other (see text field entitled "Explanation of Other Category of Funding Activity" for clarification).

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