This scholarship page was last updated on 01 March 2023. Some details may have changed since then. Please check the Agency for International Development Guatemala USAID-Guatemala City website or the Agency for International Development Guatemala USAID-Guatemala City page for current opportunities.

APS-OAA-21-00001 Addendum USAID/Guatemala

Agency for International Development Guatemala USAID-Guatemala City
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Through this Addendum to the 2020-2023 Global Development Alliance (GDA) Annual Program Statement (APS) No. APS-OAA- 21-00001 (the GDA APS), USAID/ GUATEMALA is making a special call for the submission of Concepts focused on Leveraging Economic Investment through Alliances (LEIA).USAID/Guatemala’s Investment Trade and Private Sector Competitiveness (ITPSC) team[1] within the Economic Growth Office is making a special call for the submission of concepts focused on catalyzing private capital from foreign or domestic sources to (1) identify, develop, and finance climate resilient infrastructure and/or (2) help small and growing businesses to grow through access to capital so they can make required investments, with a particular emphasis on sectors most vulnerable to climate change operating in areas of high outmigration. [1] The ITPSC team also manages activities related to trade capacity building, business development, and the business enabling environment, and seeks to mobilize private capital across all sectors and businesses. The team works on broad based economic growth projects, manages relationships with the Development Finance Corporation (DFC) and is building a sustainable ecosystem for small and growing businesses.
Categories: Business and Commerce.

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