Canadian Institute For Knowledge Development

Canadian Institute for Knowledge Development (CIKD) is an international, multi-disciplinary research, publishing, consulting and training institute which is one of the most expert institutions of its kind.

It is committed to organizing and developing educational events and conferences in different fields. It also encourages who wish to participate in academic conferences, and publish in peer-reviewed journals.

CIKD also has in-depth activities related to publishing academics journals and proceedings. This institute also develops quality business and finance research. In this filed the institute aims to provide educators, business leaders, and public-sector decision-makers with applied and in-depth research in the fields of business trends in general and economy, finance, information technology, and marketing. The research which is being conducted by CIKD specialists results in some certain outcomes which are very helpful for business leaders, state and local government agencies, public and private researchers, industrial organizations and chambers of commerce.

This institute also holds a series of courses with the highest academic and applied qualification available, especially in the fields of business, economy, finance, marketing, research methods, and information technology.  We plan to provide solutions in our training programs which will allow learners the opportunity to learn how to solve the real -world problems and achieve new skills.

– What we do in a brief

  •  Hold conferences and events
  •  Conduct and provide research
  • Organize professional training

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