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to be held at the 

31st Dubrovnik Economic Conference (DEC) on 6 June 2025

The Croatian National Bank is organising the18th Young Economists’ Seminar (YES) on Friday, 6 June 2025 in conjunction with the 31st Dubrovnik Economic Conference (DEC) that will be held on 7–8 June 2025. The seminar provides young economists a unique opportunity to present and discuss their research in front of a panel of prominent scholars and journal editors. The Dubrovnik Economic Conference provides in addition a forum to interact with academics, senior policymakers, and analysts from international organisations and global financial institutions.

We welcome submissions from any field of economics. The Selection Committee will give preference to the work in progress that it believes would benefit the most from external feedback. Authors of up to six papers will be invited to present their work and receive feedback, as well as to participate in the full DEC. The paper judged to be potentially the most significant contribution to the field will receive a “YES Best Paper” award. One or two additional papers may receive a special mention award.   

To benefit from these networking opportunities, we expect the authors of invited papers to arrive to Dubrovnik no later than the afternoon of Thursday 5 June and to depart no earlier than the morning of 9 June.

To be eligible, the authors of submissions must be:

o          Citizens of European Union countries or countries that have applied for EU membership, currently studying for an advanced degree in any country;

o          Citizens of any country who are currently attending post-graduate studies in the European Union or in countries that have applied for EU membership; 

o          Young professionals of European Union countries or countries that have applied for EU membership who received their most recent post-graduate degree no earlier than 2022 and are currently employed in central banks, academic, public sector or international institutions in Europe. 

o          For coauthored papers all authors must meet these criteria. Please include CVs of all authors although only the submitting author will be invited to attend the YES/DEC.

All papers must be in English and submitted to Professor Randall K. Filer at YESConferenceHNB@gmail.com no later than 1 April 2025. Please entitle your email and the file containing your paper as “YOUR NAME, Submission for YES 2025”. Please include a short CV with your submission. All applicants will be notified of the Selection Committee’s decision by 1 May 2025.

YES Selection Committee

Professor Randall K. Filer, Hunter College and the Graduate Center, CUNY

Professor Iftekhar Hasan, Fordham University

Professor Evan Kraft, American University

Dr. Dubravko Mihaljek, Croatian National Bank

Professor Paul Wachtel, New York University, Leonard N. Stern School of Business

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Dubrovnik , Croatie