This program page was last updated on 30 May 2023. Some details may have changed since then. Please check the Institute of Business Administration, Karachi website or the Institute of Business Administration, Karachi page for current opportunities.

MS Development Studies




Master's programs

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Program Duration:

24 Months




Full Time

MS Development Studies (Dev. Studies) is a multi and inter-disciplinary program that explores critical topics of development theory and practices, introducing development as a process of evolution of societies. Development Studies is also a policy debate that takes into account the specificity of societies in terms of history, ecology, culture, technology, politics etc. and how these differences both can and often should translate into varied ‘local’ responses to regional or global processes, and varied strategies of development and methods.

Learning Objectives:

  • Engage students in exploring critical topics of development theory and practice, in order to link historical perspectives with recent advancements in development.
  • Equip students with the knowledge, skills and analytical tools required for a career in the field of development.
  • Prepare students to lead the future debates in development across various aspects of society, and regional levels.
  • Train, and empower, students to serve as agents of change in local communities.


Distinguishing Features:

  • At IBA, the quality of faculty, highly developed infrastructure, and variety of departments provide for an excellent platform to fulfill the objectives of the program.
  • The applied field study module will be a unique experience for the students to understand development in general, and in Pakistan’s context too.
  • The course is geared towards leading future debates, critical thinking, and existential issues dealing with the idea of development in the 21st century.

Admission Criteria

Admissions to all programs at the IBA are granted on merit, and there are no reserved seats of any category. The criterion for admission is the performance of the applicant in aptitude test and interview. The aptitude test is a written test made up of three sections: Verbal, Quantitative and Analytical Writing. Applicants who have a minimum score of 160 in Quantitative section and 150 in Verbal section of the revised GRE (International) are exempted from the IBA admission test. Only those who pass the aptitude test qualify for the interview.


Applicant must have completed minimum of 16-years of education, including last 4 years of education from an HEC recognized university/institute. Prior knowledge or understanding of social science and/or mathematics will be advantageous, however the course is designed to cater to all other disciplines. Minimum entry requirement is of CGPA 2.5 out of 4.0, or 60% marks, in the last degree attained. All equivalency claims shall be evaluated by HEC. Work experience is not a mandatory requirement for admission in this program.


For further information, please click here.

To apply, please click here.

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Master's Programs



Erstellt am:

Program Start Date:

End Date:

Program Duration:

24 Months




Full Time

IBA Main campus, University Road, Karachi

75270 Pakistan