PhD positions in economics, HEC, University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland


Phd programs



Erstellt am

Program Start Date

End Date

Program Duration

48 Months




Full Time

Funding Options

Fully funded



The University of Lausanne has a distinguished history of scholarship in economics and aspires to remain a leading center for economic research and learning. The aim of our PhD program in Economics is to attract excellent students with a two-year master’s degree in economics or a related field and help them develop their potential to become independent economists who thrive in the academic, public, and private sector. Many of our PhD students succeed at publishing their research in leading international peer-reviewed journals, and our alumni easily find work at research-oriented organizations in the academic, public, or private sector (PhD placements).


We are currently looking for prospective PhD students in all fields of economics to start their PhD at the University Lausanne in the Fall Semester of 2025. We encourage interested students to consult the department website for the research interests of our current faculty. Prospective PhD students with research interests in the following fields, and who would like to collaborate with the below-mentioned colleagues are especially encouraged to apply:

•Prof. Benhima: development and international macroeconomics,

•Prof. Brülhart: public, regional, international economics,

•Prof. Hakimov: behavioral and experimental economics, market design,

•Prof. Houde: environmental and energy economics,

•Prof. Klaus: game theory, market design, matching theory, social choice theory,

•Prof. Lalive: labor economics, public economics, artificial intelligence

•Prof. Sorrenti: Labor Economics, Public Economics, Child Development•

•Prof. Montez: game theory, industrial organization,

•Prof. Nigmatulina: macroeconomic development, urban and spatial economics,

•Prof. Thoenig: quantitative spatial models, political economy of migration,

•Prof. St-Amour: health Economics, financial economics, macroeconomics.

We especially welcome applications of women and minority students. All PhD candidates receive competitive salaries of more than CHF 50,000 per year through appointments as teaching and research assistants. You will find more information about our PhD program here, and about our department here. The application deadline is January 31st, 2025. Applications must include a current CV, a brief statement of purpose, complete Bachelor and Master transcripts of grades, GRE results (GRE general test), and a tentative research proposal (max. 4 pages long, on a topic you would be interested in working on). Only applications submitted electronically through the application website will be considered.

Contact: Doctoral school, PhD in Economics, University of Lausanne, HEC Lausanne, Internef 526, CH-1015 Lausanne:

More Information


Phd programs



Erstellt am

Program Start Date

End Date

Program Duration

48 Months




Full Time

Funding Options

Fully funded




Internef, Quartier Chambronne

1015 Lausanne , Schweiz