This course page was last updated on 11 April 2024. Some details may have changed since then. Please check the Paris School of Economics website or the Paris School of Economics page for current opportunities.


Summer School 2024 – Paris School of Economics




Summer schools

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Since its inception in 2016, the Paris School of Economics Summer School has attracted annually hundreds of participants hailing from all over the world (over 70 nationalities). This year, all programs are open to both on site and online participants, with special accommodations to ensure the fruitfulness of this hybrid format (see below).

Conducted entirely in English, the PSE Summer School offers 10 five-day programs taking place within a single work-week. Each program comprises a full-time mix of lectures, tutorials and workshops, taught by PSE professors and other invited leading scholars, equivalent to 3 ECTS credits, which PSE validates.


CLIMATE CHANGE - The social cost of carbon, impacts, risk, and adaptation policies 

The PSE Summer School on Climate Change introduces participants to cutting-edge research on the topic and familiarizes them with state-of-the-art methods to analyze the issue. The objective of the course is to equip the participants with the background and tools that are needed to contribute to this dynamic field in terms of research and policy design and evaluation.

Professors: Maximilian Auffhammer, Marc Fleurbaey, Matthew Gordon, François Libois, Katrin Millock, Hélène Ollivier and Stéphane Zuber

From June 10 to June 14, 2024


DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS IN THE FIELD - Surveys, Measurement, and Experiments

The program aims at providing an overview of the challenges that researchers face when they do field work in the Global South. These challenges range from methodological questions about research design to ethical considerations. While these issues are central to the research carried out by development economists, they are rarely covered in traditional courses. Our program builds on the wide-ranging experience of PSE researchers doing field work. We will present practical and methodological tools that researchers can use to overcome those challenges.

Professors: Sylvie Lambert, Pierre Bachas, Denis Cogneau, Karen Macours, Suanna Oh and Olivier Vanden Eynde

From June 24 to June 28, 2024


THE ECONOMICS OF GENDER - Gender Inequality: Biases, Stereotypes and Violence

This program aims at providing participants with a thorough knowledge and understanding of the burgeoning literature on the economics of gender. Gender inequality in paid and unpaid work has diminished over time in most countries, thanks to the increasing participation of women in the labour market, the educational achievements of women, their increased representation in the political arena and elsewhere, which has been made possible also by the passing of laws of equality of opportunity by gender, the progress made in health and home technology, and so forth. Nonetheless, gender gaps persist in wages, promotion, career perspectives and recognition by peers, which are, at least in part, driven by explicit and implicit gender biases, and by deeply rooted cultural norms and stereotypes. Which policies can help reduce these persistent gaps? For example, how effective are gender quotas in achieving gender equality? Beyond the lectures, participants will have an opportunity to present their own research papers in this area.

Professors: Elena Stancanelli, Bénédicte Apouey, Thomas Breda, Pierre-Yves Geoffard, Nagore Iriberri and Claudia Senik

• From 24 to June 28, 2024


EXPERIMENTAL ECONOMICS - Empirical tools and methods to investigate economic behavior

The objective of the Experimental Economics program is to offer young scholars a crash course in empirical methods aimed at understanding economic behavior: how to design, implement and analyze an experiment so to answer a research question. The summer school is methodological in nature, although typical results from behavioral economics will be introduced as examples and illustrations on how protocols are designed to overcome observation/measurement/identification issues. Participants will be trained in the aim of being able to soundly rely on experiments in their future research projects. The program is divided in different parts: a series of general lectures on experimental methodology, a series of specialized classes on specific methodological topics and workshop sessions where participants present, discuss and refine their experimental projects, with feedback from the school’s speakers.

Professors: Fabrice Le Lec, Bastien Blain, Béatrice Boulu-Reshef, Paolo Crosetto, Thomas Epper, Nicolas Jacquemet, Maël Lebreton and Angelo Secchi

• From June 17 to June 21, 2024


INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION - Applied platform economics

This program introduces participants to the key concepts at the frontier of applied platform economics. The point of departure is the concept of two-sided markets, where two groups interact through an intermediary, or platform, that captures the value of externalities between the groups. This program will focus on online platform economics with a special focus on social media, advertising, and the design of search engines.

Professors: Philippe Gagnepain, Régis Renault and Nikhil Vellodi

• From June 10 to 14, 2024


INEQUALITY AND INSTITUTIONS - Economic, social, and political frictions

The program approaches these questions by drawing on rigorous empirical research and theoretical insights in two core modules. “Inequality and development” presents global and regional trends in inequality based on the work of the World Inequality Lab at the Paris School of Economics. “Models of Cultural Dynamics and Social Identity” highlights how informal institutions interact with economic and social frictions. In addition, three shorter modules investigate how political cleavages, political institutions, corruption, and media interact with economic frictions. The objective of the program is to equip you with the background and tools you need as a researcher to contribute to this dynamic field.

Professors: Olivier Vanden Eynde, Ignacio Flores, Clara Martinez-Toledano, Thomas Piketty, Thierry Verdier and Ekatarina Zhuravskaya

• From June 10 to June 14, 2024


INTERNATIONAL TRADE - Firms, policies and distributional outcomes

This program addresses recent debates at the frontier of the field: the role of multinational firms in the world economy, the international corporate tax system, the impact of liberalization shocks, and finally the distributive effects of trade. The courses revolve around the following questions. How can multinational activity be measured? What are the quantitative models to be used for the study of multinational firms? How do tax and trade policies interact when multinational firms are engaged in profit shifting activities? How can impacts of liberalization shocks be quantified? What are the consequences of globalization on income distribution?

Professors: Anne-Célia Disdier, Natalia Ramondo, Mathieu Parenti, Sandra Poncet and Ariell Reshef

• From June 17 to June 21, 2024


MACROECONOMICS - Understanding macroeconomic fluctuations

The Macroeconomic Analysis and Policy program is made of courses dealing with topics at the frontier of policy‐relevant research: monetary and fiscal policy; heterogeneous households, inequality and redistribution (“HANK” models); financial crises; bubbles; labor markets and unemployment; and international linkages. The courses are taught by leading research and teaching figures in their respective fields. Emphasis is put on introducing tools and developing intuition. All courses review core, standard models useful for understanding crises and recessions, and the role of policy therein. Each course contains at least one part that deals with recent research at the frontier.

Professors: Gilles Saint-Paul, Tobias Broer, Riccardo Cioffi, Axelle Ferrière and Jean-Olivier Hairault

• From June 24 to June 28, 2024


MICROECONOMETRICS AND POLICY EVALUATION - Modern Estimation Methods and Machine Learning

The Microeconometrics and Policy Evaluation program presents recent developments in the microeconomic analysis of impact evaluation, with courses taught by experts in their fields. The course “Methods of policy evaluation” introduces the main methods currently used for program evaluation, while the course “Machine learning for policy evaluation” presents recent advances in machine learning techniques for policy analysis. Students will also attend practice classes in STATA, according to their level of proficiency (intermediate vs. advanced).

Professors: Margherita Comola, Philippe Ketz, David Margolis and Liam Wren-Lewis

• From June 10 to June 14, 2024


MIGRATION ECONOMICS - Development impacts of migration and challenges in global labor markets

Migration is a major aspect of globalization and is increasingly at the center of the public and policy debates. What are the impacts of migration for migrants, their home/host communities and countries, and the world? How to address the challenges of identifying the impacts of migration on the labor market, development, and on social and political change? What is the impact of climate change on internal and international migration? To answer these questions, the course will provide modern tools to analyze the causes and consequences of migration and will present state of the art models and literature on the economics of migration. It will expose participants to the frontier of research in the field and discuss avenues for future academic and policy research.

Professors: Hillel Rapoport, Clément Imbert, Katrin Millock and Giovanni Peri

• From June 17 to June 21, 2024


Two modes of participation are offered:


On site, our Parisian campus offers teaching and logistics space: classrooms, teaching theater, garden, coffee and lunch breaks facilities.

Online, proposing interactive lectures in real time and, beyond, online office hours with professors to facilitate interactions. PSE offers technologies and process that will ensure high quality communication for online participants, both with professors and with other participants.

• For all the participants, full sets of lecture notes and presentations will be made available, as well as the recordings of the courses.


  • To know everything about the applications process, the fees & the cancellation policy: follow this link
  • Registration will take place from January 17 to May 13, 2024 at 11:59 PM (Paris time) via PSE Application. You have until May 20, 2024 to pay upon receipt of the confirmation email of your participation

Contact us if you have any questions at

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Summer Schools



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48 Bd Jourdan

75014 Paris , Francia