This scholarship page was last updated on 27 April 2023. Some details may have changed since then. Please check the Agency for International Development Benin USAID-Cotonou website or the Agency for International Development Benin USAID-Cotonou page for current opportunities.

USAID/Benin Request for Information - Northern Economic Livelihoods for Youth (NELY) Activity

Agency for International Development Benin USAID-Cotonou
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The General Development Office of the United States Agency for International Development in Benin (USAID/Benin) is conducting market research and seeking feedback through this Request for Information (RFI) for the USAID/Benin Northern Economic Livelihoods for Youth (NELY) Activity described in Attachment A. More specifically, USAID/Benin is issuing this request for information to:1. Solicit and obtain input, advice, knowledge, and best practices from a broader audience that is experienced in improving economic livelihoods in northern Benin.2. Better define the problem statement and theory of change.3. Elicit innovative ideas on essential programmatic objectives and approaches to include in the new activity. This is NOT a Request for Proposals/Applications/Quotations and is NOT to be construed as a commitment by the U.S. Government to issue any solicitation or Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) or to pay for any cost incurred in the preparation and submission of comments/answers on this RFI. Responding to or providing input in response to this RFI will not give any advantage to an organization in any subsequent procurement action. Likewise, not responding to this RFI does not preclude any organizations from applying in response to the future solicitation/Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), should USAID/Benin decide to issue one. USAID/Benin will not provide feedback on submissions or answers to any questions submitted in response to this RFI. Phone inquiries will not be entertained. USAID/Benin will retain all responses to this RFI. They will not be returned. USAID/Benin may elect to use the information submitted at its discretion. Organizations should not submit any proprietary or otherwise sensitive information. This RFI does not restrict the USG's assistance approach on a future solicitation/NOFO, and USAID/Benin reserves the right to modify the details of the planned activities. Similarly, USAID/Benin is not obligated to modify its planned approach or otherwise incorporate input that organizations offer.See attached the complete package for more details.
Categories: Community Development.

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