Immigration: Crisis of the World Capitalist System, Crisis for the World Capitalist System.





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Panel on "The New Human Capital of the Contemporary Capitalism System. Religions, Ethics and Cultures for New Socio-Economic Models". "Political Economy and Religions" Working Group (IIPPE). 

Basically, we try to give an answer to the following questions: what are the religious roots, considered as the basis of the economic conception and of the capitalism of its logic and of its history? What are the reasons of the abandon of values and of the religious elements made by economy started from the middle of the XIX century, after the sunset of the civil-religious economy of the European enlightenment reformism? What are the proposals, the suggestions and the directions that the religions can give to the global capitalistic economy with their thoughts and politics, in a period of constant religious growth and where the structural crisis of the capitalism; the disparity among social classes, people and Nations; and the immigration phenomenon increase? 

We encourage abstracts from theoretical and practical point of view. 

To submit a proposal, use the “Submit proposal” button at, and carefully follow the instructions. You will need to select “Political Economy and Religions” from the list to submit a proposal to our sessions.  As usual, submissions may be made as (a) proposals for individual papers (which IIPPE will group into panels), (b) proposals for panels, (c) proposals for streams of panels. The EPF will be closed on February 15. Moreover, please send the abstract at the WG Coordinator, Salvatore Drago: 

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Ankara , Türkiye