This conference page was last updated on 02 January 2024. Some details may have changed since then. Please check the University of Innsbruck | SFB F63 Credence Goods, Incentives and Behavior website or the University of Innsbruck | SFB F63 Credence Goods, Incentives and Behavior page for current opportunities.


Innsbruck Winter Summit - (Un)Ethical Behavior in Markets

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The 2024 edition of the Innsbruck Winter Summit is now open for submission

We are delighted to announce the Innsbruck Winter Summit - Un(Ethical) Behavior in Markets hosted by the University of Innsbruck on March 13-15, 2024. This high-quality workshop aims to connect leading researchers who study theoretical, empirical, behavioral, or experimental aspects of un(ethical) behavior in markets. Among other related topics, full papers on dishonesty, lying, (im)moral and (un)ethical behavior in economics, finance, and science are the primary focus of this summit. 

Keynote speakers

Antonio Cabrales (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
Axel Ockenfels (University of Cologne / MPI for Research on Collective Goods)

The summit will take place at the Hotel Inntalerhof**** in Mösern in the centre of a picturesque mountain village close to Innsbruck. Time-slots in between the scientific sessions will enable participants to network with other researchers while enjoying the various winter sport activities and natural surroundings. 

Note that the summit will be held in tandem with the Innsbruck Winter School on Credence Goods, Incentives and Behavior and participants from the Winter School will join the workshop.

Application & Paper Submission

The tuition fee for the Winter Summit is 500 Euros for the 2-day workshop and includes accommodation for two nights including half-board, coffee breaks, and closing lunch. Any additional expenses are to be covered by the participants. 

The deadline for applications and paper submissions is January 14, 2024. You will receive the decision on your application no later than January 22, 2024. Further details will be given via email. 

Please apply through our website. 

If you have any questions, fee free to contact local organiser Tobias Haller (  

Photo credits: Region Seefeld / Burnz Neuner / Moritz Klee / Charly Schwarz / Inntalerhof

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Universitätsstraße 15

Innsbruck , Autriche