This scholarship page was last updated on 05 April 2023. Some details may have changed since then. Please check the Department of Defense Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA website or the Department of Defense Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA page for current opportunities.

DoD Peer Reviewed Cancer, Career Development Award

Department of Defense Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA
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The PRCRP is seeking to advance cancer research through development of early-career investigators. Depending on the career path of the candidates, the PRCRP will offer two distinct early-career development options: the Career Development Award-Fellow Option (CDA-FO) and the Career Development Award-Resident Option (CDA-RO). Under this award mechanism, the early-career investigator is considered the Principal Investigator (PI), and the application should focus on the PI’s research and career development. The Career Development Award – Virtual Cancer Center Scholar Option is not being offered this fiscal year. Logical reasoning and a sound scientific rationale for the proposed research must be demonstrated. Preliminary data are not required. This award supports impactful research projects with an emphasis on discovery. · Fellow Option: The PI must be an early-career researcher or physician-scientist (referred to as a Fellow) within 7 years after completion of their terminal degree by the time of the application deadline (excluding time spent in residency, clinical training, or on family medical leave). PIs suitable for the Fellow Option include investigators who may not be on a tenure track and may share laboratory space not completely separate from a more established investigator. The intention of the Fellow Option is to support the early-career investigators toward wider independence and success. One research funding level is available for the Fellow Option. · Resident Option: The PI must be an early-career clinician during the time of their residency. PIs suitable for the Resident Option include investigators interested in a career path toward becoming a physician-scientist. The intention of the Resident Option is to support the early-career investigators research development with strong scientific career development. Two research funding levels are available for the Resident Option. The Resident must be able to commit 1 or 2 years within the time frame from approximately June 2024-2026 toward research with level of effort on the proposed research appropriate for the research funding level and the project. It is the responsibility of the PI to select the option that best aligns with their current career path. The option should be selected based on the eligibility defined in the program announcement. It is incumbent upon the early-career investigator to select the suitable option. The critical components of the Career Development Award: · Principal Investigator Fellow Option: The PI must be an early-career researcher or physician-scientist within 7 years after completion of their terminal degree by the time of the application deadline (excluding time spent in residency, clinical training, or on family medical leave). Time spent as a postdoctoral fellow is not excluded. Postdoctoral fellows are not eligible for this award mechanism. The PI’s record of accomplishments and the proposed research will be evaluated regarding their potential to contribute to at least one of the FY23 PRCRP Topic Areas in Section II.A.1. Previous and/or current career development funding outside of institutional startup funds will be taken into consideration when evaluating the need for further developmental funds. The Fellow Option is intended for candidates that have been named on only nominal career development funding. Applications are strongly encouraged to demonstrate protection of the PI’s time for cancer research. For more information on the eligibility criteria for the Fellow Option, refer to Section II.C.1. Resident Option: The PI must be an early-career clinician during the time of their residency. PIs suitable for the Resident Option include investigators interested in a career path toward becoming a physician-scientist. The Resident must articulate a clear plan to accomplish a scientifically rigorous project of either 1 year or 2 years. The PI must demonstrate a commitment to a career as an investigator at the forefront of one of the FY23 PRCRP Topic Areas and clinical practice; however, the PI is not required to have previous cancer research experience. Applications are strongly encouraged to demonstrate protection of the PI’s time for cancer research. Two research funding levels are available for the Resident Option. The Resident must be able to commit 1 or 2 years within the time frame from approximately June 2024-2026 toward research with level of effort on the proposed research appropriate for the research funding level and the project. Resident Research Level 1: A 1-year research project under the guidance of the designated Career Guide must be proposed. The 1-year research project application must include a hypothesis, objectives/aims, and experimental design. Research focused on early hypotheses or conceptual ideas are appropriate for Research Level 1. Resident Research Level 2: A 2-year research project under the guidance of the designated Career Guide must be proposed. The 2-year research project application must be more extensive and include a hypothesis, objectives/aims, an experimental design, and proposed outcomes. Research focused on more developed ideas and hypotheses are appropriate for Research Level 2. The Research Level chosen by the Resident must be justified by the complexity of the research project. It is incumbent upon the early-career investigator to select the suitable research level. · Career Guide: Both the Fellow and the Resident must designate a Career Guide. For the Fellow, the Career Guide must be an experienced cancer researcher, as demonstrated by a strong record of funding and publications. For the Resident, the Career Guide must be an experienced physician-scientist with a strong record of funding and publications in cancer. Under both options, the Career Guide must demonstrate a commitment to advancing the PI’s career in cancer research. · Career Development Plan Fellow Option: A individualized career development plan is required and should be prepared with appropriate guidance from the Career Guide. The career development plan should include a clearly articulated strategy for acquiring the necessary skills, competence, further independence, and expertise to advance their career at the forefront of cancer research in at least one of the FY23 PRCRP Topic Areas. Resident Option: An individualized career development plan is required and should be prepared with appropriate guidance from the Career Guide. The career development plan should include a clearly articulated strategy for acquiring the necessary skills, competence, and expertise that will enable the PI to successfully complete the proposed research project (level 1 or 2) and foster the PI’s development as an independent physician-scientist in at least one of the FY23 PRCRP Topic Areas. An environment appropriate to the proposed mentoring and research project must be clearly described. · Impact: The applicant must articulate the potential impact the proposed work will have on cancer research and/or patient care. Impactful research will accelerate the movement of promising ideas in cancer research into clinical applications. · Preliminary data are not required. Any preliminary data included in the application is subject to evaluation and review. Research proposed should be based on strong scientific reasoning and relevant literature.
Categories: Science and Technology and other Research and Development.

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