This scholarship page was last updated on 07 June 2023. Some details may have changed since then. Please check the Agency for International Development West Bank, Gaza USAID-West Bank website or the Agency for International Development West Bank, Gaza USAID-West Bank page for current opportunities.

Improve Livelihoods and Enhance Economic Development (ILEED)

Agency for International Development West Bank, Gaza USAID-West Bank


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The USAID/West Bank and Gaza Mission intends to award a five-year, up to $60 million activityentitled “Improve Livelihoods and Enhance Economic Development” (ILEED). ILEED will focus onpromoting resilient livelihoods in Gaza and give households the tools they need to cope withrecurrent crises. The activity will build upon USAID investments and successes to date, with aprimary focus on building resilience through livelihoods while maintaining the flexibility andcapacity to respond to emergencies, should they arise. A secondary focus will be on adapting toclimate change through livelihood development.
Categories: Other (see text field entitled "Explanation of Other Category of Funding Activity" for clarification).

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Mission , États-Unis