Corvinus University of Budapest

The Corvinus University of Budapest defines itself as a research university with an educational orientation, where the scientific performance of the instructors can be measured on an international scale and students can obtain diplomas comparable with the diplomas of universities with similar profiles, acknowledged and competitive on the job markets of the European Union and on a global scale.

The basic aim of the Faculty of Economics is to provide education and research in the field of Hungarian economic policies embedded in a global and European context. After graduation, the students are equipped with the necessary knowledge to take an active role in the forming of economic policy at a global, a European and national levels. The Faculty offers a wide range of relevant topics in the fields of world economy, the European Community and the CEE region, thereby providing the necessary knowledge for those individuals who wish to embark on a career in international or domestic institutions of economic management or governmental agencies.

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Fovam place 9

1093 Budapest , Hungary