IRVAPP - Research Institute for the Evaluation of Public Policies

The Research Institute for the Evaluation of Public Policies (FBK-IRVAPP) is a research centre primarily aimed at carrying out public policies analysis using counterfactual impact evaluation tools.

In particular, FBK-IRVAPP conducts evaluation research in the following areas:

  • Active and passive labour policies;
  • Education policies;
  • Family policies;
  • Health policies;
  • Welfare policies;
  • Industrial policies;
  • Development policies.

FBK-IRVAPP generally conducts ex-post evaluations. Recently, though, the Institute has been engaged as well in ex-ante evaluation through micro simulations and experimental economics.

FBK-IRVAPP’s research outcomes are collected in Progress Reports, Working Papers and in articles published in scientific journals that can be consulted in this web site.

Along with its research activity, IRVAPP deals with the training of researchers, officials and public administrators on impact evaluation issues and on how to use empirical evidence to enhance the design of public policies.

In January 2013, FBK-IRVAPP incorporated the Permanent Observatory on economics, labour and the assessment of social demand (OPES) and it tooks over OPES’s research regarding the Trentino Region’s economy and society, still keep meeting the requests on economic and social topics coming from the Province Administration of Trento in tight collaboration with the local government statistics service.

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Via S. Croce 77

38122 Trento , Italia