INOMICS Salary Report 2018 finds a worldwide closing of gender pay disparity across several academic positions
Berlin, March 29th, 2018

Today, INOMICS, a recruitment platform for academics and professionals, released their sixth annual Salary Report exposing salary changes 2017 and previous years in terms of gender, geographical location, level of education among other factors.
The report’s primary finding is that a positive tendency towards less gender pay disparity worldwide was observed for several positions, particularly PhD candidates and full professors. For instance, female full professors in the UK, Spain and Australia have now overtaken men in terms of average annual salary. Meanwhile, the average worldwide salary for PhD candidates now favours women in terms of higher pay.
There is still, however, a clearly observed “glass ceiling” preventing many women from reaching senior roles and even when women do achieve the highest pay-grade level, the largest pay gap disparity exists. Individual analysis of the salary trends of gender disparity in the academic and private sector, as well as by geographical location, work experience and seniority are covered in the Salary Report 2018.
Additionally, further research on gender pay gap is to be released in September of this year.
The findings are based on over 2100 responses from 116 countries to a survey conducted between September and November 2017. This number is 11 per cent higher than in the previous year with 17 more countries represented.
The INOMICS Salary Report 2018 delivers key understanding about salaries, taking into account different factors, such as:
- geographical location,
- gender,
- job position,
- work experience
- level of education.
To find out the rest of the 2018 Salary Report’s findings, please download here.
INOMICS is an online platform for academics, which provides a stream of career and study opportunities, scientific events, research news and funding, all based on individual preferences and constantly updated.
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