This scholarship page was last updated on 21 March 2023. Some details may have changed since then. Please check the Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service website or the Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service page for current opportunities.

FY23 Arkansas Technical Assistance Projects

Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service
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This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NFO) is being released prior to appropriation and/or apportionment of funds for fiscal year 2023. Enactment of additional continuing resolutions or an appropriations act may affect the availability or level of funding for this program. The Arkansas NRCS State Office, an agency under the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), is seeking support from and opportunities to partner with likeminded natural resource conservation partners. The overall intent of this solicitation is to solicit partnerships to provide technical services that address the key conservation objectives and focus areas described further in this document. All applicants must demonstrate an established history of working cooperatively with producers in Arkansas, on agricultural land, to address local conservation priorities (to be determined by NRCS). All applicants must be capable of providing support in the State of Arkansas, projects are to be carried out within Arkansas. NRCS anticipates that the amount available for support of this program in FY 2023 will be approximately $3,000,000. This notice identifies the objectives, eligibility criteria, and application instructions. Applications will be screened for completeness and compliance with the provisions of this notice. Incomplete and/or noncompliant applications will be eliminated from competition and notification of elimination will be sent to the applicant. The Arkansas State Conservationist reserves the right not to fund any or all applications. NRCS will accept applications under this notice for single or multiyear applications submitted by eligible entities. For new users of, see Section D. for information about steps required before submitting an application via Key Dates Applicants must submit their applications via by 11:59 pm Eastern Time on Friday, May 19, 2023 For technical issues with, contact Applicant Support at 1-800-518-4726 or Awarding agency staff cannot support applicants regarding accounts. For inquiries specific to the content of the NFO requirements, contact the federal awarding agency contact (section G of this NFO). Please limit questions to those regarding specific information contained in this NFO (such as dates, page numbers, clarification of discrepancies, etc.). Questions related to eligibility or the merits of a specific proposal will not be addressed. The agency anticipates making selections by June 15, 2023 and expects to execute awards by September 30, 2023. These dates are estimates and are subject to change.
Categories: Agriculture.

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