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- Posted 2 years ago
Le app più utili per gli studenti di economia
Your phone is one of the most useful tools you’ve got. Using the technology accessible to us is a great way to keep abreast of economics research, enhance studying, and remain up-to-date with economics-related news. Most of the apps listed below are available on tablets too, so you can download them on whichever device is more appropriate for you.
en es de it -
- Ranking
- Posted 9 years ago
Top 10 Summer Schools in Math & Stats 2015
Now we're over the hump of winter and looking ahead to sunnier days, the time has come to start considering academic activities for the summer break. Summer schools run by top universities give you the chance to attend lectures and courses conducted by top researchers in your field, to practise skills in small groups or seminars, and to get to know students from other institutions. As well as social activities and the opportunity for travel, you can benefit from making new professional contacts, hearing about the latest research, and building your CV.