Four Postdoctoral Positions at the Origins Research Group





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Scadenza delle domande

Annual Salary

19200 - 40000 EUR

The average gross salary is 33K € per year.

The ORIGINS group invites application for four postdoctoral positions, funded by a FIS 2 grant on “Institutional Resilience to Climate Change” (PI: Carmine Guerriero). The will distinguish the short run economic effects of climate change from their long run institutional impact.

Founded in 2017, the ORIGINS group combines the scholarship of world-renowned archaeologists, Assyriologists, economists, jurists and political scientists to study the origins and impact of the first stable political, legal and market institutions, with a particular focus on Bronze Age Mesopotamia. Over and above Carmine Guerriero (U of Bologna), other ORIGINS members involved in the INRES project are: Mark Altaweel (UCL), Giacomo Benati (U of Barcelona), Alberto Bisin (NYU), Alessio Palmisano (U of Turin), Alex Loktionov (Cambridge U) and David Stasavage (NYU).

More information on the structure of our group and our activities can be found at 


Your key responsibilities include:

  • Constructing the first comprehensive data set on the cultural norms and the political and legal institutions developed by the first states recorded in Bronze Age Mesopotamia, Bronze Age Egypt, Liangzhu culture and Indus Valley civilization to mitigate and adapt to climate change.
  • Devising theoretical models of the the institutional response to climate change.
  • Testing the project predictions and designing methodologies to tackle endogeneity issues.
  • Formulating policy-relevant assessments of past experience.


Candidates should hold (or be near completion of) a PhD in either economics or political science.

Two position should be covered by candidates with a theoretical background, an expertise in models of institutional dynamics and an interest in empirical institutional economics.

One position should be covered by candidates with an empirical background, an expertise in the analysis of geo-referenced data and an interest in empirical legal studies and population dynamics.

One position should be covered by a candidate with an empirical background and able to handle substantial (half-time) administrative duties.


  • Duration: The position is renewable for up to 3 years (1 year + 2 years).
  • Salary: The average gross salary is 33K euro per year.


The deadline is on May 2nd but early applications will be considered. Application materials must include cover letter, CV, transcript of relevant degrees, one paper and two reference letters and must be submitted by email to

For any questions, please contact Prof. Carmine Guerriero at

More Information





Pubblicato il

Scadenza delle domande

Annual Salary

19200 - 40000 EUR

The average gross salary is 33K € per year.


Piazza Scaravilli, 2

40126 Bologna , Italia