INOMICS supports PhD student’s academic career with awarding of conference grant


Berlin, October 26th, 2015

INOMICS, an online platform for academics, announces the winner of its Conference Grant Contest 2015, organized between 9 September and 15 October 2015. The contest was open to all INOMICS users. Entrants to the contest had a chance to win a €500 grant to cover the accommodation, travel or registration costs related to an event posted on the INOMICS platform that they are planning to attend.

“Our everyday mission is to support students and researchers in their career development” says INOMICS Managing Director, Andreas Hoffmann. “This is why we wanted to offer them this funding opportunity.”

Participants from over 50 countries took part in the contest by submitting short explanations of their personal reasons for going to their chosen event.

The prize selection took place on 16 October. Carolina Pan from the Brandeis University, USA was awarded the prize, based on the quality of her explanation, her creativity and motivation.

INOMICS is proud to present the winner’s answer below:


“I am a Ph.D. student in International Economics at Brandeis University, currently in my last year, working on the link between technological innovation, international trade, and economic development.


I would love the opportunity to go to the 3rd Geography of Innovation Conference, one of the most prestigious conferences in innovation in the world, which will bring together the most successful researchers in the field. It would give me the opportunity to attend their presentations and learn from them, and to socialize with colleagues from other institutions. It would also be a great way for me to present my research before I go on the job market. So far I have only been able to present my work at my school and, even though I got really good feedback, I believe it would be really fruitful to see what great scholars from other places think.


I have applied to this conference and my paper was accepted! It would make a real difference to be able to present the paper at the conference, but the financial cost is just too high for me. The conference fees are 200 euros, and then I would also have to pay the airfare and hotel. This 500 euro grant would really be a game changer!”

Carolina’s explanation clearly shows that she is willing to attend the conference and her intention is to spend the grant on purposes related to her participation in the event.

INOMICS would like to thank the winner and all other participants for taking part in the contest and wish them a lot of success in pursuing their academic careers.


INOMICS is an online platform for academics, which provides a stream of career and study opportunities, scientific events, research news and funding, all based on individual preferences and constantly updated.

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