9 PhD Positions in the Research Training Group 2865 “CUDE”
Phd programs
48 Months
Full Time
Funded as a TVL-13 Doctoral researcher (43.000 € Gross Salary)
Raoul Doleske
Bielefeld University invites applications for 9 fully funded PhD positions at the second cohort of the established Research Training Group “Coping with Uncertainty in Dynamic Economies” (CUDE).
The official language for all PhD courses is English.
The positions are awarded for 4 years paid according to 75 % TVL E 13 (resulting in around 43.000 € gross yearly).
Please use the application form in order to send your application (see page 2: APPLY NOW). After clicking on the link, you will be directed to the application portal where you can upload your documents.
CUDE aims to create an excellent environment for early career researchers to conduct their own research projects within a tailor-made doctoral study program.
Our research agenda aims to merge two features central to current and future economies: uncertainty and dynamics. Here, uncertainty is understood in the sense that decision makers struggle to assign reliable estimates of probabilities to future events. This notion of uncertainty is widely believed to capture our world’s mega trends such as climate change, energy crisis, migration, pandemics, and technological development. With the guidance of our participating researchers, you'll have the chance to gain a comprehensive understanding in the research field and conduct your own projects within the areas
- Individual Behavior under Uncertainty in Dynamic Environments
- Uncertainty in Markets and Strategic Interactions
- Consequences of Uncertainty for Policy and Welfare
We invite talented and enthusiastic students to join our tailor-made PhD program that offers a variety of interesting research topics. In the following, we highlight the key features that you can expect as a CUDE-member:
Tailored Curriculum: Our program offers a meticulously designed curriculum that is embedded into a structured doctoral study program and balances theoretical foundations with practical applications. Over the period of 4 years, you have the opportunity to attend lectures starting from core courses on Micro- and Macroeconomics, Finance, Econometrics and Data Science up to specialized seminars held by our local faculty members as well as international guests (for example our Mercator fellow Jean-Marc Tallon). To this end, our curriculum ensures not only a comprehensive understanding of the broad and international research agenda, but also deepens your knowledge in your field of interest! Additionally, internal colloquia and reading groups provide you insights into the state of the art in the different research areas and give you the chance to receive feedback on your own ideas.
Research Collaboration: Collaboration is key to our program's success. In particular, the research training group holds strong ties with many international researchers that are invited for block courses and summer schools on topics of our research agenda. As a highlight of our program, the Mercator fellow Jean-Marc Tallon complements the research training group and will provide outstanding expertise as well as add significant value to several CUDE research projects. Moreover, he will serve as a contact person for possible research stays in Paris. Beyond, we offer several measures to enable your research visit at an international institution.
Job Market Preparation: Graduating from our PhD Program opens doors to a wide array of impactful career opportunities. You will benefit from our alumni network as well as our strong connections to international partner universities. During several workshops and seminars, you will receive an intensive preparation for your time after the PhD!
For more information about the CUDE research training group as well as specific information about the application process, please visit our website (uni-bielefeld.de/cude) and the official advertisement of the university.
Universitätsstr. 25
33615 Bielefeld , Germany