PhD Program in Economics in English language at the University of Economics in Bratislava




Phd programs

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Program Start Date

End Date

Program Duration

36 Months



Certifications & Titles

PhD diploma, title PhD


Full Time

Funding Options


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NOVÁK Marcel, Dipl. Ing., PhD., Statutory Deputy of the Dean, Vice Dean for Research and Doctoral Studies

We are pleased to announce the 2024 call for applications for the PhD Program in Economics in English language at the University of Economics in Bratislava (EUBA), the Faculty of Economics and Finance. 

The program is full-time only. 

Doctoral students receive a monthly scholarship of 1025,50 EUR  in the first half of study and 1 194 EUR in the second half of study and does not pay tuition fees for the standard length of study.

Read all information about admission process, online application, recognition of diplomas, required documents on the website of EUBA directly:


The deadline for application: June 13, 2024 – 23:59 (Europe/Bratislava)

The admission exam: June 28, 2024 (interview on-site or online).


Please apply for one of the topics for your dissertation thesis:

1. The Impact of AI on wealth distribution

2. Inequality of Opportunities and Human Capital Accumulation in Slovakia

3. The creation of shared values and the social value chain in the context of the sustainable development concept

4. Convergence or divergence of wage levels in the economies and regions of Central and Eastern Europe: what role does labor productivity play?

5. The silver economy as an economic opportunity arising from the aging of the population

6. Academic cooperation and scientific productivity of European cities

7. Slovak „Lef-Behind Places“: Impact of deprivation of public services on election results

8. Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Active Labor Market Policies for the Integration of Disadvantaged a Marginalized Populations

9. The Impact of Rising Living Costs on the Pervasiveness of Undeclared Work

10. The role of Public policies in Innovation activities of the universities

11. Development trajectories of regional innovation systems - case study of the South Moravian and Bratislava regions

12. Digital transformation of public administration in Slovakia

13. Joint exercise of competences by local self-government in Slovakia - Driving forces and barriers to success

14. Integration of Immigrants into the Slovak Labour Market

15. Impact of Digitalization on Firm Performance: Insights from Slovak Enterprises in the Industry Sector

16. Labour Migration in Slovakia: Exploring its Dynamics within the Framework of Labour Market Evolution

17. The role of foreign direct investment in digital transformation

18. The Economic importance of financial literacy in 21. century and its consequences: Theory, Evidence and Practice

19. Economic theory & policy responses to the changes in the macroeconomic environment

20. Building Public Trust and Engagement in E-Government Services through Behavioral Economics (A Comparative Analysis of selected Central European and South-East Asian countries)

21. Economic costs of children's disadvantaged environment

22. Technology, Inequality, and Productivity: Shaping the Future of Work

23. Research Essays on Appropriate Technologies and Economic Development

24. Bidding Behavior in Digital Asset Auctions: Exploring the Impact of Personality Traits and Behavioral Characteristics on Strategies, Outcomes, and Market Dynamics

25. The Efficiency of Value Investing Under Different Market Conditions

26. The cascading effect in cryptocurrency markets

27. Peer effect and insurance demand

28. Framing effect and financial decisions


We are looking forward to your application submitted by June 13, 2024.


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PhD Programs



Erstellt am

Program Start Date

End Date

Program Duration

36 Months



Certifications & Titles

PhD diploma, title PhD


Full Time

Funding Options


Show Contact Information

NOVÁK Marcel, Dipl. Ing., PhD., Statutory Deputy of the Dean, Vice Dean for Research and Doctoral Studies


Dolnozemska cesta 1

852 35 Bratislava , Slowakei