- Blog Post
- Posted 12 years ago
Demand for Econ PhDs, the Nobel Prize, Rankings, Economics Apps, Salaries and Other Top Blog Posts 2012
As we reached the end of the year 2012, we decided to compile a list of the top INOMICS blog posts, those that received a record number of visitors throughout the year. Enjoy your reading and Happy New Year to everyone!
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 12 years ago
Economics Conferences in China, Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong and Thailand 2013
Following our earlier post from November about Economics Conferences in 2013, we have now published a (chronological) list of Conferences in Economics and Statistics taking place in the Asia-Pacific Region. If you know of other interesting, economics-related events in the region, please share these with us in the comments at the end of this post.
- Blog Post
- Posted 12 years ago
Top Apps for Economists
Apps (already “Word of the Year” in 2010), have become an integral part of our everyday lives, bringing to our phones not only entertainment, but also helpful tools to be used for educational and professional purposes. Downloadable for free or for a price, there are a number of handy apps created especially for economists, which come in the form of data sets, quizzes, educational videos, podcasts or simply mobile versions of media.
- Blog Post
- Posted 12 years ago
Economics Job Market: ASSA Meeting 2013
It is that time of year again!
- Study Abroad Article
- Posted 12 years ago
Ranking Economics Departments: Number of Top Institutions by Country
Data Source: RePEc
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 12 years ago
Education 2.0: Teaching Economics Using Digital Tools
Considering the remarkable technological progress and the spread of social media in the last few years, it can be challenging to teach and involve students when using an old-fashioned lecture style. Shelving overhead projectors and boring PowerPoint slides, some professors have converted to “education 2.0”, integrating new tools and applications into their class format.
- Study Advice Article
- Posted 12 years ago
Economics Degree vs Public Policy Degree: Which Masters to Choose
When I was about to receive my Bachelor diploma, I was confused. I knew where I wanted to work, but I didn’t know how to get there with a Degree in Law. I also knew that I needed to steer my professional training towards economics, but I didn’t know how. The problem was that I just didn’t have enough credits in any economics-related disciplines to meet the requirements of the majority of study programs available. After having weighed all the options, I made up my mind to apply for an MA in Public Policy and to try to focus on economics-related disciplines.
- Blog Post
- Posted 12 years ago
How Economics Is Embracing Its Young
After our tour of economics conferences this summer, the INOMICS team was impressed by the number of young economists at these events. Anecdotally, many delegates have the impression that there is a trend towards younger academics at even long-established, annual events, as well as more female delegates than were present in the past. Perhaps the time of economics conferences as the preserve of distinguished, yet silver-haired, bearded men is coming to a close.
- Work Abroad Article
- Posted 12 years ago
Research Funding in Economics in Europe
Source: Survey on Research Funding for the Social Sciences in Europe, Ramon Marimon, Igor Guardiancich, Mike Mariathasan, Eva Rossi, European University Institute, 2011
- Study Advice Article
- Posted 12 years ago
Graduates in Economics: Statistics (UK example)
What happens to economics students once they complete their first degree? Here is a snapshot of economics graduates’ activities detailing their occupation six months after graduation.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 12 years ago
Textbooks versus E-Books
A few weeks ago I came across an interview on TechCrunch with Brian Kibby, the president of McGraw-Hill Higher Education, discussing his positive outlook on the future of e-books, e-content and generally the future of what he calls ‘super adaptive learning.’ Contrary to what one might expect from a textbook publisher, Kibby explains in the interview that he expects to see a significant increase in the adoption of e-materials within the next year and full adoption within three years. Optimistic?
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 12 years ago
Unemployment & Salaries: Your Major Matters
Unemployment For College Majors
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 12 years ago
Supply and Demand for New Ph.D.s in Economics
Source: Survey of the labor market for new PH.D. hires in economics 2011 – 12, Sam M. Walton College of Business, University of Arkansas:
- Work Abroad Article
- Posted 13 years ago
Job Market for Economists in the US
A big part of ASSA Annual Meeting (check out our post on 2012 ASSA Annual Meeting held in Chicago) is the role that it plays in the life of a PhD economist searching for their first job. Although some graduates choose less conventional ways of approaching the Job Market, for most graduating PhDs, the meeting is where they meet with potential employers, strut their stuff, present their Job Market Papers (JMP) and hope to the high heavens for a fly-out, and, after that, an offer – preferably at their number one choice. If all goes well this process should be over by early March with a good majority of top 50 schools’ graduates having at least one job offer on the table.
- Work Abroad Article
- Posted 13 years ago
Salaries of Econ PhDs in the US
New Ph.D Hires in Economics: Expected and Actual Offers for the 2010-11 Academic Year
en es -
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 13 years ago
Top Economics Conferences 2012
Conferences have been a pillar of academic thought in the western world for almost a century. Organizations including the American Economic Association (AEA) (organized in 1885, incorporated in 1923), the Royal Economic Society (RES) (incorporated in 1902, although their journal The Economic Journal dates back to 1891), the Western Economic Association International (WEAI) (1922) and the International Atlantic Economic Society (IAES) (1973) have lead the way with their annual meetings that draw anywhere from a couple hundred to over 10,000 annual visitors; and these are only the tip of the iceberg.
- Ranking
- Posted 13 years ago
Top 10 Economics Summer Schools 2012
Check here the Summer Schools in Economics taking place in 2015!