Since 2011, Kladiola has been an Assistant Professor at the University of Elbasan ‘Aleksandër Xhuvani’ in Albania. She graduated in 2019 with a doctorate degree from the University of Tirana, Albania. Her areas of interest include Economics with a focus on econometrics, SMEs, modeling and statistics, development, and health economics. These interests extend the specialized area of her PhD: total factor productivity and SMEs, but also include mathematics, statistics, econometrics, and interdisciplinary links. In 2015 she was granted The Basileus IV Erasmus Mundus PhD scholarship at the University of Ghent, Belgium. She has actively participated in several international collaborations and training programs under the Erasmus+ program, including in Vigo, Spain, and Krakow, Poland. Moreover, she has had the opportunity to give lectures as an invited auxiliary professor within the CEEPUS program in Debrecen, Hungary.