Workshops, conferences
We are inviting submissions for the 9th Institutions, Trade and Economic Development (InsTED) Workshop, hosted by the the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada, on September 20–21, 2025. We will be happy to consider theoretical and/or empirical papers in the areas of international trade and/or economic development. We welcome your full papers or 3-page extended abstracts. Please submit by e-mail to with the title “9th InsTED Submission” by May 1st, 2025. The submission will be reviewed by a scientific committee and decisions will be sent out no later than June 1st, 2025.
Keynote Speakers:
Nathan Nunn (University of British Columbia)
Daniel Trefler (University of Toronto)
We have limited funding to cover flights and accommodation of a scholar within 6 years of their Ph.D. Please indicate in your email if you would like to be considered for funding.
For updated information and details, visit:
Beyza Ural Marchand (University of Alberta), Runjuan Liu (University of Alberta), Ben Zissimos (University of Exeter), Pavel Chakraborty (Lancaster University), John Morrow (Queen Mary University of London)
Important dates
Submission deadline: May 1st, 2025; Decision: June 1st, 2025; Conference dates: September 20-21, 2025
Conference dinner:
A dinner will be held on the evening of September 20th (details TBA)
About InsTED:
The Institutions, Trade, and Economic Development (InsTED) Network is based at the University of Exeter, UK. InsTED was established to provide a forum for debate, dissemination of research, and interaction between researchers. Bringing together researchers from the UK, US, Canada, Europe, the US, and beyond, InsTED aims to deepen our understanding of how international trade fosters economic development and the role of strong institutions. The institute fosters richer and more comprehensive dialogue about how global economic systems affect societies by exploring social, cultural, political, and historical dimensions of international trade and development economics.
Latest InsTED Workshops:
5th InsTED Workshop: Keynotes: Pol Antras (Harvard) and Nina Pavcnik (Dartmouth)
6th InsTED Workshop: Keynotes: Giovanni Maggi (Yale) and Robin Burgess (LSE)
7th InsTED Workshop: Keynotes: James Fenske (University of Warwick), Emanuel Ornelas (Sao Paulo School of Economics – FGV)
8th InsTED Workshop: Keynote: Andre Tesei (Queen Mary University of London)
Department of Economics, University of Alberta
T6G 2H4 Edmonton , Canada