This is a call for papers on the theme “Strategic Technologies and Industrial Policies for Competitiveness and Sustainability”. Selected papers will be presented at CONCORDi 2025 conference, to be held in Seville from 24 to 26 September 2025.
The European Commission's Joint Research Centre is organizing the biennial European Conference on Corporate R&D and Innovation (CONCORDi), a science-for-policy forum to discuss present and future EU policy challenges arising from frontier research on corporate R&D, innovation and industrial dynamics. In collaboration with the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the conference will gather more than 250 key stakeholders from the policy, science, academic and industry communities, fostering dialogues and promoting innovation.
The 10th edition of CONCORDi will be dedicated to the crucial role of strategic technologies in boosting productivity and competitiveness, while tackling ambitious sustainability objectives. We invite submissions of original research papers that align with one or more of the following thematic areas:
• Technological change and diffusion
• Strategic technologies and the labor market
• Financing innovation and the role of superstar firms
• Industrial policies
Academic contributions to CONCORDi 2025 will aim at disentangling the complex relationship between strategic technologies, industrial policy and their roles in shaping the future competitiveness of firms and economies, while ensuring environmental and social sustainability. The conference will explore how strategic technologies can act as catalysts for sustainable transitions, contribute to asserting strategic autonomy, mitigate vulnerabilities, and open future growth opportunities within a comprehensive policy framework.
Scientific papers will be discussed in thematic parallel sessions, and plenary sessions will include keynote speeches from policymakers and key scholars, as well as moderated and animated panel discussions.
Call for Papers - Submission Guidelines
• Extended abstract (2000 words max)
• Reference list (500 words max)
• Authors may upload one figure or table that illustrates key findings. No more than one exhibit per submission will be considered during the selection process.
• Suggested structure:
o Motivation and short background
o Methodology
o Results (please refrain from discussing expected results, and include only a discussion of key results of the analysis)
o Conclusion and implications for policy (a detailed discussion on policy implications will be mandatory for the conference presentation)
March 31st, 2025 (23:59 CET). For detailed guidelines on submissions and registration, please visit our ex-Ordo webpage:
Additional Details
For more information about the conference, please visit our website:
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