What do prospective students look for in a Master’s Program?

What do prospective students look for in a Master’s Program?

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To choose a Master’s degree has become a daunting task for many students. Taking into account the number of options around the globe and the multitude of advice from experts on the topic, the decision-making process can be influenced by a wide number of factors involving the professional, personal and social spheres.

While potential Master’s students face a difficult decision in their lives, the marketing and student services departments of universities simultaneously try to understand the needs, expectations and preferences of these students. In this way, the criteria taken into consideration by Bachelor’s graduates while choosing the right program for them is valuable information for designing targeted marketing campaigns and defining an attractive added value to programs being offered.

INOMICS knows the value of understanding the mindset of potential Master’s students. We have therefore been working on a project that will offer important insight to marketers in the educational industry. Knowing that the criteria for choosing a program can vary from rankings to location, from further professional benefits to personal reasons, we have put together a brief survey targeting future, current and potential Master’s students, with questions about their choices, experiences and expectations.

Using the results of this survey, we will deliver a complete report about the motivational factors prompting students to earn a Master’s degree, a list of the most important decision-making criteria for students, potential areas for developing added value to current Master’s programs, retention rates of universities, potential marketing channels for universities, information regarding the influence of financial issues in the decision-making process and additional interesting facts about prospective Master’s students.

We would like to invite you to take part in this project by sharing the following link https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/students_survey-2014 with your Bachelor’s students, Bachelor’s graduates or current Master’s students of any discipline at your university. We are trying to gather as many responses as we can in order to give you very accurate results.

The report will be issued in the middle of June this year.

If you are interested and would like more information, you can write to us at info@inomics.com

Photo credit: Odegaard Library


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