University of Minho – School of Economics and Management

The School of Economics and Management (EEG) is part of the University of Minho, a public Portuguese university. At present, UMinho has more than 18,000 students in bachelor, master and PhD programmes, distributed by the Gualtar campus in Braga, and the Azurém and Couros campuses in Guimarães. With about 2600 students in degree-awarding programmes, EEG represents 14% of the UMinho’s student population. EEG is responsible for teaching, research and interaction with society in the areas of Management, Economics, and Political Science, offering a total of 8 bachelor, 15 master and 5 doctoral programmes in these areas. Research is the key vector for EEG. Research at EEG is anchored in its two research centres: the Centre for Research in Economics and Management (NIPE) and the Research Centre in Political Science (CICP).

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+253 604518

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​Campus de Gualtar

4710 - 057 Braga , Portugal