Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (WIIW)

The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (WIIW) was established in 1973 as a research institution for the understanding and promotion of international economics. WIIW  mainly focuses on research areas concerning labor and migration, regional development, sectoral studies, and microeconomic analysis.  


At a glance

Forty years of know-how …

The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies – wiiw – is one of the principle centres for research on Central, East and Southeast Europe with more than 40 years of experience. Over the years, we have broadened our expertise, increasing our regional coverage – to European integration, the countries of Wider Europe and selected issues of the global economy – and expanding the research areas we work on. At present, our thematic work is focused on macroeconomic developments and structural change, international economics, labour markets and social issues, as well as on selected issues related to sectoral and regional economic developments. wiiw is an independent, non-profit institution. Our staff serves the public and clients alike, delivering economic analyses and research, forecasts, statistical data and policy advice. A package of our services is available for subscription (membership service).

… with an international staff …

We have a team of highly skilled professionals, most of whom are multilingual and have an intimate knowledge of the region. Our economists and statisticians are often native to and permanently in close contact with institutions, reseachers and policy makers in the countries they cover. Our economists closely follow developments in their respective countries and regions and are frequently involved in local policy debates. Our greatest strength lies in the application of comparative regional and cross-country analyses.

… reliable and up-to-date statistical data …

The institute is uniquely positioned thanks to its wide range of statistical databases and expertise in dealing with complex or ‘difficult’ datasets and data collection. Our analyses are based on primary sources and data obtained directly from the countries we cover. Our databases are updated in a timely manner and cross-checked with international databases. Our experience enables us to make educated judgements in solving issues such as breaks in time series and cross-country comparability problems, ultimately leading to consistent, comparable and reliable series of indicators. The high quality of our data enables us to perform long-term analyses that may also serve as a basis for assessments of future trends.

… linked to the international scientific community

We believe in teamwork and the exchange of information as the optimal means of securing outstanding analyses and forecasts. Close cooperation with an international network of academics helps us to challenge our views and ensures that our research orientation and methodologies are state-of-the-art.

wiiw annual reports (in German) / Jahresberichte

wiiw Annual Reports describe the institute’s activities, employees, organizational structure and finances.


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Rahlgasse 3

A-1060 Vienna , Austria