The Hausdorff Center for Mathematics is dedicated to promoting cutting-edge mathematical research in Bonn and Germany.

The theme of the Hausdorff Center is mathematics, of which we share a broad and dynamic vision. At its center stands the classical core: the mathematics of famous and fruitful conjectures, the mathematics that is in symbiosis with theoretical physics, and which continually reveals to us deep and unexpected connections. Beyond this core, mathematics drives, and is driven by, the successful trend towards quantitative modeling in the natural and social sciences. The steadily improving performance of computers opens new perspectives for model simulations and the direct transfer of mathematics into technological applications.
The Cluster of Excellence is probing and thoroughly studying this entire dynamic range through its Research Areas.
Individual Reputations
The basis of the HCM is the strength of its faculty, which is reflected in a large number of prizes and honors awarded to senior and junior mathematicians from Bonn, among them
- Fields Medalists: Gerd Faltings and Peter Scholze
- Nobel Prize winner in economics: Reinhard Selten
- Gerd Faltings, Wolfgang Lück, Stefan Müller, and Peter Scholze each received a Leibniz Prize and are four out of 14 non-retired awardees in mathematics
Contact Information
Contact Email
+49 228 73 4874
Contact Phone
Villa Maria, Endenicher Allee 62
D-53115 Bonn , Germany