REDLAS (The Latin American Network for Services Research – RED LAtinoamericana de Investigación en Servicios) is a new network of research groups and individuals active in services research and policy formulation, mainly located in Latin America and Caribbean.
The association started as an informal network of researchers in 2010, as a response to the Latin American societies’ demands for better understanding the role of services in economic development. In that year, REDLAS held its first meeting, combined with the first Brazilian Symposium on Services Science, in Brasilia, from 17 to 19 November with over 70 participants and 90 papers presented. In October 2012, the Network held its second meeting in Santiago, Chile with over 60 participants and 35 papers presented.
REDLAS members come from diverse disciplinary backgrounds: economics, management sciences, geography, sociology, psychology, political sciences and planning. Most are based in universities and research institutes in the region, but some are employed in government, international organizations or the private sector. REDLAS is active in many Latin American countries and has a strong connection with RESER, the European Association for Research on Services, and ECLAC, the United Nations’ Economic Commission for Latin America.
The Association welcomes individuals or new research teams that wish to participate in REDLAS’s activities. Many of those involved with the work of REDLAS have international reputation for research on different aspect of services. All are committed to furthering the aims and objectives of REDLAS. REDLAS’ members have developed high levels of international cooperation whilst at the same time pursuing their own local, regional or national programs of research on the service economy and employment.
REDLAS is a network aiming to increase knowledge for the formulation of strategies and promotion of services, as a means to improve private initiatives and public policies in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Contact Information
Contact Email
+56 2 2210 2198
Contact Phone
Casilla 179D
Santiago , Chile