Progressive Economy Initiative, S&D Group in the European Parliament

Progressive Economy is an initiative launched in 2012 with a major objective: to generate a truly public and informed debate on economic and social policy at national, European and global levels and actively promoteĀ *progressive thinkingĀ *at academic and at political levels. Without public debate, without clear policy choices, there can be no real democracy. Lack of choice breeds frustration, populism and the growth of anti-politics.Ā *Progressives have a duty*Ā to demonstrate to citizens that they do have a choice and to do what it takes to win theĀ *battle of ideasĀ *in these core areas for the future of our societies. The Progressive Economy initiative provides a new and open space for public and informed debate, contributing to building a contemporary progressive economic and social vision for Europe. See ourĀ website Ā for information on Progressive Economy activities and events. The Progressive Economy initiative is supported by theĀ S&D Group in the European Parliament .

Open Webpage



S&D Group, European Parliament, 60 rue Wiertz

1047 Brussels , Belgium