PhD in Economics and Finance, University of Verona, Italy (eight scholarships available)


Phd programs



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48 Months

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We are pleased to announce the 2024 call for applications of the PhD Program in Economics and Finance at the University of Verona. The Program offers two dedicated tracks: “Economics” and “Mathematics and Data Analytics for Finance”. It aims at bringing brilliant students to the international research frontier, and at developing their ability to create their own research contributions.

This year eight scholarships are available (about 1,600 euros per month, covering the four years of the program). 

We invite applications from outstanding graduates who hold or are expected to hold a master’s degree in Economics, Finance or related fields. The following material is required for an application: i) Certificate with final graduation mark or transcript with exam grades; ii) Curriculum Vitae; iii) Original research proposal of maximum 2,000 words; iv) Two reference letters; v) Further documents the candidate considers relevant for the evaluation.

The deadline for application is May 23 2024.


The PhD Program in Economics and Finance of the University of Verona trains academic and professional figures able to autonomously carry out research in economics and finance at universities, research institutes, consulting firms, public and private companies. PhD graduates undertake job positions requiring critical and problem solving skills, in which to matter are the ability to identify a problem and analyze it using economic reasoning, manage and process data through a statistical approach, interpret the findings and communicate results and implications. 

The four-year PhD Program in Economics and Finance consists of a course-work part and a research part. During the first part of the program, students attend advanced courses (both compulsory and elective) related to their chosen track (“Economics” or “Mathematics and Data Analytics for Finance”). Students then develop an independent study and research agenda under the guidance of two supervisors. The program is completed by the final thesis containing research contributions following high-quality international standards. Our PhD Program also offers personal research funds, access to dedicated room and Department facilities, and financial support for study and research periods in foreign universities or institutions.

The University of Verona is among the top hundred world universities with less than 50 years in the rankings of the Times Higher Education. In the RepEc ranking, the Department of Economics ranks in the top 10% of the Italian distribution and in the top 25% of the world distribution of research departments and institutions in Economics. It received the “Department of Excellence 2023-2027” seal by the Italian ministry of university and research.

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Phd programs



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Program Start Date

End Date

Program Duration

48 Months

Application Deadline


Study Options

Full Time


Via Cantarane 24

37129 Verona , Italy