
Call for Research Projects 2024 “Women and Science”

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Application Deadline


Research/project funding

The Women and Science Chair at Paris Dauphine-PSL University, aims to mobilize and develop multidisciplinary approaches to analyze the determinants and the impact of the low presence of women in scientific studies and careers (mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology). The Women and Science Chair is member of the UNESCO chairs network. It was created with the support of the L'Oréal Foundation, Generali, La Poste, Talan and Amundi, in partnership with the Institute of Public Policies and Institut Louis Bachelier.

To this end, the Chair associates research centers and researchers both in Dauphine University and outside Dauphine. It mobilizes methods and tools from several disciplines, in particular economics (risk economics, microeconomics, applied economics, experimental economics), decision theory and mathematical modeling, sociology, management and social psychology.

Since 2019, the chair has received 240 proposals and has funded 30 research projects from Europe, North America, South America, Africa, Australia and Asia.

In 2024, the Women and Science Chair launches its fifth call for research projects, aimed at the entire academic community without any restrictions in terms of disciplines or in terms of methodology (field studies, modeling, empirical studies, experimental approaches, etc.). Every year, 5 to 7 research projects are selected and receive support of up to € 10,000.

Submitted projects may relate to all the themes of the Women and Science Chair (see below). However, the jury will pay particular attention to the themes considered to be priorities for the 2024 call:

- Impact of the lower presence of women on the way in which science and technology are developed (fundamental research, applied research, technical innovation): design of scientific studies, quality of research and taken directions.

- Gender bias in science and technology (scientific studies and careers), particularly in AI, technological innovation and digital technology.

- Gender bias in orientation towards scientific disciplines and careers: role of the different stakeholders (prescribers, teachers, career advisors, HR, managers, etc.), methods to reduce these biases, effectiveness and evaluation of actions and experiences already conducted.

Particular interest will also be given to projects involving researchers from different disciplines (management science, sociology, economics, mathematics, etc.) and/or involving international analyzes and comparisons.

By submitting an application, project leaders undertake, if they are selected, to participate in one or more events of the Chair, to produce a short video on their work and to write a short presentation of the conclusions of their works (in French or English) accessible to a wide audience. Selected projects and related publications must mention the support of the Chair. A researcher can only receive one time the financial support of the Chair.

The deadline for the submission of applications to this call for research projects is September 27, 2024.


How to apply to the call for projects 

1.     Application

Projects conducted by senior researchers (who have already obtained a doctorate and published research papers) are eligible, regardless of nationality, place of practice or discipline.

The call for projects is published on SSRN and INOMICS. Application files must be submitted directly to INOMICS platform by September 27, 2024 at midnight (Paris time). For more information, you can send an email to à aida.hamdi@dauphine.psl.eu .

Each application will be written in French or in English and will consist of the following elements:

•       A title,

•       Summary (½ page),

•       Positioning of the subject and review of the literature (1 page),

•       Contextual elements (does the project have already started, is the research project based on particular studies or experiments?) (½ page),

•       Methodology and calendar (1page),

•       List of participants and the financing needs of the project with details of the different type of expenses (½ page),

•       A short bibliography,

•       The CV of the project leader (mandatorily a senior researcher).

2.     Selection

The members of the steering committee of the Women and Science Chair, as well as the members of the scientific committee, will evaluate the applications.

The selection criteria are:

•       the adequacy of the project with the themes of the call for projects,

•       the scientific excellence of the project,

•       the feasibility of the project within reasonable deadlines,

•       the quality of the team of researchers involved,

•       the innovative dimension of the project,

•       the diversity of approaches and involved disciplines,

•       the scope of the expected results,

•       where appropriate, transdisciplinarity and parity of the research team.

The selection committee will ensure, as far as possible, a good geographic representation of all the projects funded by the Chair.

3.     Calendar

September 27, 2024 midnight (Paris time): closing of the call for projects

October-November : evaluation of the applications

December 2024: Announcement of selected projects 


Members of the Scientific Committee of the Women and Science Chair

- Elyès Jouini, Professor, Paris-Dauphine University - PSL

- Thomas Breda, CNRS Research Fellow, Paris School of Economics and Institute of Public Policies

- Dominique Meurs, Professor, University of Paris Nanterre, associate researcher at INED and the Institute of Public Policies

- Sophie Pochic, Research Director at the CNRS, member of the Center Maurice Halbwachs, ENS-EHESS

- Claudia Senik, Professor, Sorbonne University and Paris School of Economics PSE

- Marie-Pierre Dargnies, Assistant professor, Université Paris Dauphine - PSL


General themes of the Women and Science Chair

-       Impact of not taking gender into account in the design of scientific studies,

-       Impact of the absence or under-representation of women in scientific sectors (STEM) on the quality of research and strategic decisions,

-       Career trajectories, career and wage gaps intra-company or cross-companies by sector (for example, in medicine, data analysis, artificial intelligence, industry, etc.)

-       Supply and demand in scientific tracks (SYEM),

-       Evaluation of public policies or experiments and international benchmarks,

-       Determinants of the lower representation of women in scientific tracks and careers (STEM):

·       Impact of the environment: social representations, parents, teachers, role of men, their views on the place of women in science, opinion of male scientists on gender equality in their profession, family life

·       Links between choice of courses/tracks and school performance,

·       Self-confidence, risk aversion and decision,

·       Identification of rupture/dropout zones.

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Application Deadline


Research/Project Funding


Pl. du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny

75116 Paris , France