International MBA


Mba programs



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Certifications & Titles


Study Options

Full Time


Regular fees: 82300 EUR

Payment Plan Available

The International MBA is for business professionals who understand that the most meaningful challenges are the ones we set for ourselves.

Defining the right career path is just such a challenge – but the wealth of options, the pace of change and a shifting business landscape can make it seem like an intractable one. And even settling on a path can lead to more questions: are you sure it’s the right one for you? How can you progress and futureproof it? Will it fulfill you beyond just a paycheck?

The answer lies in transforming your career by transforming yourself. A curated learning experience like no other, the International MBA is a full-time program tailored to your needs. The first MBA with a holistic focus on you, the program is designed around a unique framework that emphasizes the strengths, needs and aims of each individual.

At IE Business School, we understand that the skills and experiences you’ve accrued have brought you this far; we’ll work with you to identify and refine those skills, and align them with your goals and aspirations. We’ll help you clarify and hone your sense of purpose, to bring enrichment to your career path. And we’ll collaborate to define any gaps in your expertise, and advise the best ways to address them.


The International MBA offers an unparalleled opportunity to design a personalized academic journey that aligns with your unique career goals, experience and time horizon. Whether it’s accelerating your career, taking the time to explore new possibilities or multiplying your opportunities by obtaining a dual degree, you’ll be able to choose the duration that best fits your path.

Duration: 11, 15 or 19 months
Language: English
Location: Madrid
Intake: September & January
Mode of Study: Full-Time
Format: In-person

Class profile
The International MBA attracts professionals from a wide range of industries, backgrounds and disciplines, reflecting the wealth of pathways the program offers.

92%  International Students
+44  Nationalities
30  Average age

What does the ideal candidate for the International MBA look like? There’s no single answer – but the starting point is a willingness to transform yourself and your future by pursuing the next best you, with the help of trusted guides who share your passion for your career, your impact and your purpose.

​You’ll understand that the journey won’t be a simple one, but marked by highs and lows, successes and friction – and you’ll relish the challenge. You’ll recognize that the easy route doesn’t get you to where you want to be – but hard work and persistence do pay off. And you’ll know that you can’t maximize your potential on your own – and place your trust in our expertise and determination to work with you to become the next best version of yourself. ​

Ready to take yourself to the next level? ​Learn how to ace the International MBA admissions process with our in-house guide.

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Mba programs



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Certifications & Titles


Study Options

Full Time


Regular fees: 82300 EUR

Payment Plan Available


Madrid , Spain