Master Course in Economics at the Department of Economics - Roma Tre University


Master's programs



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The Department of Economics of Roma Tre University offers Master’s degree programs in Economics.

Within the Master’s program, two curricula are taught in English:

a) Economic Analysis;

b) Structural change, inequality, and employment (EPOG);

There is an opportunity to apply for DOUBLE DEGREE Programs.


Key info

Mater's degrees at the department of Economics, Roma Tre University

Applications are open now 

Application deadline: September 6th, 2024 

Enrollment deadline: October 15th, 2024

Program duration: 24 months 

Attendance: on-campus 


How to apply 

How To Apply – Guida all’ammissione ai corsi di studio con titolo accademico estero – a.a. 2024/2025 - Portale dello Studente (

Regolamento per l'ammissione ai corsi universitari con titolo estero e per il riconoscimento dei titoli esteri - Portale dello Studente (


Get in Touch 

To find out more please visit 

or send an email to


The Department of Economics 

The Department of Economics was born in 1993 to promote training, research advancement and disseminate culture in the economic, law, mathematical and statistical fields, with a highly multidisciplinary approach. Now it encompasses around 50 lecturers, 15 research fellows, and 30 PhD students from different disciplines: economists, statisticians, jurists, mathematicians, and finance and marketing experts. A vibrant community connected to institutions and high-level academy around the world, with a strong orientation towards research networks and funds attraction. 

The campus has been designed and equipped to offer high-quality education with advanced digital technologies. The computer lab has two rooms with 85 workstations and a selection of scientific software. The Pierangelo Garegnani library has two large reading rooms, with 250 study stations disposed on two levels. A large collection of books is available for consultation and borrowing. Electronic databases allow accessing a large selection of scientific journals and data collections. The spaces outside the buildings and their terraces are extremely liveable and useful for socializing. 

The Department of Economics of Roma Tre University offers three Master’s degree programs: 

1. Economics (with two curricula in English) 

2. Environmental Economics, Labour and Sustainable Development (with one curriculum in English)

3. Economics and Management of Digital Transformation (in Italian)



With our Master's Degree in Economics you will learn to understand and discuss critically a broad spectrum of micro- and macro-economic issues and the economic and financial problems that companies, consumers and institutions are facing. Enrolling in this Master, you have the opportunity to apply for DOUBLE DEGREE Programs with the French Universities

Two curricula and one joint-master course:

  1. Economic Analysis (English) - By choosing the Economic Analysis curriculum you will acquire solid training and ability to analyse issues and economic problems of both a micro- and macro-economic nature. In addition to solid statistical-mathematical and instrumental foundations for predictive analyses, the curriculum allows you to acquire a thorough knowledge of the main economic theories relating to the behaviour and interaction between economic agents, income distribution and determination of employment levels. A selected number of students can also get  the Master in International Macroeconomics and Financialization by enrolling (restricted access) to the Double Degree Program with the Universitè Sorbonne Paris Nord. Upon the completion of this curriculum you will be able to undertake a career as an economic analyst in Italy and abroad. Some of our students are employed in public institution and agencies (e.g., the European Commission, the Italian Ministry of economic affairs, the Antitrust authority, the National statistics institution); some have entered the private sector, ( banks and financial intermediaries, consulting companies, industrial companies). Other students have continued their studies in a higher education institution undertaking prestigious Master’s and PhD programs in the EU, UK, and USA. 

    More information at

    Economic-Analysis-scienze-economiche-24-25.pdf (


  2. Structural Change, inequality, and employment (EPOG; English) - The Economic Policies for the Global transition (EPOG+) is an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s degree in economics, supported by the European Union. It offers a world-class integrated Master’s programme on the (digital, socioeconomic, ecological) transition processes with a pluralist approach and interdisciplinary perspectives. It involves more than 40 partners and associate partners in Europe and the world. 

    More information available at Definitiva-Brochure-Scienze-economiche-24-25.pdf (


  3. Finanza e dinamiche macroeconomiche (Italian) - This curriculum focuses on the impact of finance on investments, growth and income distribution.



Master's programs



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Via Silvio D'Amico, 77

00145 Roma RM 3169070 , Italia