
PhD Program in Management




Phd programs

Pubblicato il

Program Duration

48 Months

Scadenza delle domande

Certifications & Titles


Opzioni di Studio

Full Time

Funding Options

For 2024 the amount of each scholarship is worth € 16,243 (subject to social security contributions).

Academic year 2025/26 cycle XLI

We invite applications for 12 fully funded PhD scholarships (one out twelve provides an additional financial support for international candidates) for the a.y. 2025/2026.

The Luiss PhD Program in Management is a 4-year program aimed at training high-potential scholars in the fields of strategy, organization, innovation and marketing. By offering methodological and epistemiological core courses followed by specialized courses and seminars in the majors of Strategy/Innovation, Organization and Marketing, the program puts candidates in a position to be craft top-quality research and be competitive for the international academic job market of the highest level.  In their year, our students attend ten common compulsory courses and three courses in the major chosen. In the second year, our students attend three additional courses in their major and start developing their own research. The third and fourth years are entirely dedicated to research and dissertation development. Along the journey students are also offered a series of research seminars that complement their training. The program foresees a very rigorous dissertation supervision process. Faculty members and dissertation supervisors are leading scholars in their fields and boast several top journal publications.

The Call for Applications closes at 16:00 (CET), UTC+1 on 21 March 2025.

Apply Now Here

As part of their applications, prospective PhD candidates need to submit a detailed research proposal, setting out the research puzzle, analytical approach and intended methodological choices, together with a CV, references and other documents.

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PhD Programs



Pubblicato il

Program Duration

48 Months

Scadenza delle domande

Certifications & Titles


Opzioni di Studio

Full Time

Funding Options

For 2024 the amount of each scholarship is worth € 16,243 (subject to social security contributions).


Viale Romania, 32

Rome , Italia