This scholarship page was last updated on 12 January 2023. Some details may have changed since then. Please check the Copenhagen Business School website or the Copenhagen Business School page for current opportunities.

Marie Sklodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships - Machine Learning / Artificial Intelligence




Fellowships, postgraduate scholarships

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Funding Amount

87600 EUR

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Professor Tooraj Jamasb

Expressions of Interest that address one or more of the following research themes are welcome:

  1. Interpretable Machine Learning
  2. Transparency in Artificial Intelligence
  3. The role of mathematical optimization in these fields.

Salary: The salary rate for a MSCA grant in Denmark will be approx. EUR 87.600 per year
Salary will be negotiated in accordance with the agreement between the Danish Ministry of Finance and the Central Academic Organisation. The MSCA grant includes mobility and possibly a monthly family allowance of EUR 660, if the researcher is eligible .  
Hours: Full-time
Contract type: Fixed term
Closing date for Expressions of Interest: March 15th, 2023
Closing date for submission of final applications: September 13th, 2023

The Fellowship
Marie Sklodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships are prestigious fellowships funded by the European Commission. They offer a generous allowance for 24 months including mobility, family and research allowance. Applicants must hold a PhD and have a maximum of 8 years research experience after their PhD was awarded. Applicants can be from any country but must not have resided or carried out their main activity in Denmark for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the deadline on September 13th, 2023. If the applicant has never before lived in Denmark, the applicant will be eligible for special taxation scheme. MSCA follows a bottom-up approach, which means that the research fields and topics are not predefined by the MSCA programme. More information on the Fellowship scheme and the application process can be found at:

The Department of Economics at Copenhagen Business School (CBS) welcomes expressions of interest from postdoctoral researchers with an excellent track record of research and publication to apply jointly with a supervisor from the department at CBS to the European Commission Marie Sklodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme. Selected candidates will receive dedicated support from a senior researcher, the supervisor, as well as CBS’ Research Support Office to develop their proposal and application for submission to the European Commission by September 13th, 2023. The selected candidate may benefit from travel funding provided by CBS to visit the supervisor at a Kick-off meeting (if possible) for 1-2 days in April 2023 to discuss and plan the full proposal for submission to the European Commission. If travel is not possible, online meetings will be arranged.

The host at CBS is Dr. Dolores Romero Morales, Full Professor in Operations Research, Coordinator and scientific leader of H2020 RISE NeEDS project, and Editor-in-Chief of TOP, the Operations Research Journal of the Spanish Society of Statistics and Operations Research.

Details of the Department of Economics at Copenhagen Business School can be found at

Research themes
Expressions of Interest that address one or more of the following research themes are welcome:

  1. Interpretable Machine Learning
  2. Transparency in Artificial Intelligence
  3. The role of mathematical optimization in these fields.

Candidates with a (interdisciplinary) background in, including but not limited to mathematics, statistics and machine learning, and a strong interest in mathematical optimization and data science are welcome to apply.        

How to express your interest
Expressions of interest should include:

  1. A one page pitch on your idea
  2. Your CV including a full list of your publications, research grants and projects
  3. A one page motivation letter

Please submit your EoI by sending it to as one single PDF file attachment named â€˜MSCA – Romero Morales – Applicant’s initials’ by March 15th, 2023.

Expressions of interest will be selected based on the quality of the research idea and the candidate’s track record. In early-April 2023, selected candidates will be contacted by the CBS RSO team to discuss the next steps. Apart from the Kick-off meeting on April 18th, 2023, the candidates will also be offered two Masterclasses on 25th May 2023.

To allow sufficient time for institutional approvals, a first draft of the full proposal is expected to be ready for review by the CBS host by June 14th, 2023.

In case of questions, please send an email to

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Fellowships, Postgraduate Scholarships



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Professor Tooraj Jamasb


Solbjerg Plads 3

2000 Frederiksberg , Danimarca