Economic Development & Sustainability
Posted 7 months ago
Sustainability May Be Bolstered By Income: Household Cooking Fuel Choice in a Developing Country
The Sustainable Development Goals advocate ensuring universal access to clean and affordable energy by 2030, prompting a global push toward transitioning from unclean energy sources to cleaner alternatives. In response, Ghana has subsidized the cost of clean energy; however, the financial burden of this transition remains substantial for households. The role of household asset accumulation in facilitating this transition has been underexplored in existing literature; examples include Kafle and Dean (2015) and Ansong (2015). Utilizing logistic and instrumental variables (IV) regression methods along with data from the Ghana Living Standards Survey (round 6 & 7), I investigated how durable asset accumulation influences households' choice of cooking fuels in the research paper "The Nexus Between Household Durable Asset Accumulation And Household Cooking Fuel Choice in a Developing Country".