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          Current Prizes for Young Economists


Current Prizes for Young Economists

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If you're a young economics student, then there are a number of prizes which you might be eligible for. Various economics organisations create competitions or awards in which they give out prizes for the best project or essay submitted by young economists who are either in school, at university, or at an early stage in their career. These prizes can include cash, money for books, or even career opportunities, and winning such a prize is a great boon for your CV. So here are 10 economics prizes which you might consider applying for.

1. EEAS Young Economist Award

The European Economic Association offer an award of €3,000 for the best papers presented at an EEA congress written by someone under 30 who is no more than 3 years past their PhD defense.

2. RES Young Economist of the Year essay competition

The Royal Economic Society hold a an essay competition for school students in the UK who are working on their GCSEs or A-levels, and awards a prize of £1,000 for the best. Students are invited to submit an essay of 1,000 to 2,500 words on a subject which is set each year.

3. The Austin Robinson Memorial Prize

Another prize from the Royal Economic Society is the Austin Robinson prize, which is a prize of £2,000 which is awarded to the best non-solicited paper published in The Economic Journal. The author must have completed their PhD within the last five years to be eligible.

4. ECB Young Economists’ Poster Session

The European Central Bank hold a yearly Forum in which young economists who are working on their PhDs present digital posters on research in the fields of economics or finance. The best poster of the forum is awarded a prize of €10,000.

5. FEED Mark Blaug Student Essay Prize

The Foundation for European Economic Development holds an annual essay competition for undergraduates or those who have graduated within the last calendar year. Essays are to critically reflect on the state of economics, and may be up to 6,000 words. Up to two prizes of £500 and £300 are awarded for the best essays.

6. Distinguished CESifo Affiliate Award

The Institute for Economic Research at the Center for Economic Studies, based in Munich, holds annual area conferences which focus on specific topics within economics. The best paper which is presented at any of these area conferences by a young economist is given an Affiliate Award to recognise the originality and policy relevance of their work.

7. iOme challenge

An independent organisation which aims to raise awareness about retirement and pension planning, the iOme challenge invites teams of undergraduate students in the US to create a 10,000 word essay and a short promotional video to raise awareness of issues around financial security and its social impact. The winning team is awarded a financial prize as well as being invited to Washington, DC to present their work to policy makers.

8. Wiley Prize in Economics

A prize of £5,000 is made available by the publisher Wiley for outstanding achievements in research by early career researchers in the areas of economics or economic history. Researchers who received their PhD within the last 5 years can be nominated by their Head of Department for consideration.

9. IEA Dorian Fisher Memorial Prize

The Institute for Economic Affairs holds an annual student essay competition for UK school students with a top prize of £500. Essays on any topic within economics are invited for consideration.

10. Individual university prizes

Finally, don't forget to check whether your university offers a prize in economics. It's common for universities to offer a small cash prize for the best undergraduate thesis with various departments, often including economics. Check on your university website to see if you need to submit your work for consideration, or whether all students within the department are automatically considered.


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