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          Top Economics Think Tanks and Research Institutes in Latin America


Top Economics Think Tanks and Research Institutes in Latin America

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In the field of economics, many students want to eventually work in a think tank or research institution. That's why we're compiling lists of the best institutions around the world, and today we're looking at Latin America.

1. Centro de InvestigaciĂłn y Docencia EconĂłmicas (CIDE)

MĂ©xico, Mexico

The CIDE is a social sciences research institution which offers funding and promotes development of future social leaders, with a focus on economic, political, and social issues. They perform work in six academic divisions: public administration, economics, international studies, legal studies, political studies, and history.

2. Grupo de Análisis para el Desarrollo (GRADE)

Lima, Peru

The Group for the Analysis of Development seeks to develop applied research to improve public policy, especially with regard to the development of Peru and other Latin American countries. They perform research in the areas of economics, education, the environment, and social studies.

3. Centro de Estudios PĂşblicos

Santiago, Chile

This think tank based in Chile works on the study of public issues and the dissemination of these findings to the public and to decision makers. They have published papers on topics including the relationship between economic policy and the military, the importance of the environment in developmental work, and effective policies for improving the quality of education in schools.

4. FundaciĂłn para la EducaciĂłn Superior y el Desarrollo (Fedesarrollo)


The Foundation for Higher Education and Development (Fedesarrollo) works in Columbia to perform research into public policy issues, in order to promote economic and social development within the country. This covers topics such as the baking system, the benefits of renewable energy technologies, and the efficacy of health care programs.

Find below a list of further economics think tanks in Latin America, as provided by RePEc.


  • Centro de Estudios para el Desarrollo Argentino (CENDA) (Center for the Study of Argentinean Development), Buenos Aires
  • Centro de ImplementaciĂłn de PolĂ­ticas PĂşblicas para la Equidad y el Crecimiento (CIPPEC) (Center for the Implementation of Public Policies promoting Equity and Growth), Buenos Aires
  • Centro de InvestigaciĂłn y FormaciĂłn de la RepĂşblica Argentina (CIFRA) (Center for Research and Studies of the Republic of Argentina), Buenos Aires
  • Centro de InvestigaciĂłn y AcciĂłn Social (CIAS) (Center for Social Research and Action), Buenos Aires
  • FundaciĂłn Capital (Capital Foundation), Buenos Aires
  • FundaciĂłn de Investigaciones EconĂłmicas Latinoamericanas (FIEL) (Foundation for Economic Research on Latin America), Buenos Aires
  • FundaciĂłn Friedrich A. von Hayek (Friedrich A. von Hayek Foundation), Buenos Aires
  • FundaciĂłn Norte y Sur (Noth and South Foundation), Buenos Aires
  • FundaciĂłn Siena (Siena Foundation), Buenos Aires
  • Grupo Sophia (Sophia Group), Buenos Aires
  • Instituto de Estudios de las Finanzas PĂşblicas Argentinas (IEFPA) (Institute for Argentine Public Finance Studies), Buenos Aires
  • Instituto de Estudios sobre la Realidad Argentina y Latinoamericana (IERAL) (Institute for the Study of the Argentine and Latinamerican Reality), CĂłrdoba
  • Instituto Torcuato di Tella (ITDT) (Torcuato di Tella Institute), Buenos Aires
  • Libertad y Progreso (Liberty and Progress), Buenos Aires


  • FundaciĂłn Milenio (Milenio Foundation), La Paz
  • Grupo Nacional de Trabajo para la ParticipaciĂłn (GNTP) (National Work Group on Participation), Santa Cruz


  • Transparencia Brasil (Transparency Brazil), Sao Paulo


  • Centro de Estudios PĂşblicos (Center for Public Studies), Santiago
  • CorporaciĂłn de Estudios para LatinoamĂ©rica (CIEPLAN) (Corporation for the Study of Latin America), Santiago
  • Estudios Nueva EconomĂ­a (ENE) (New Economy Studies), Santiago
  • FundaciĂł SOL (SOL Foundation), Santiago
  • Instituto Libertad (Liberty Institute), Santiago
  • Libertad y Desarrollo (Liberty and Development), Santiago


  • FundaciĂłn para la EducaciĂłn Superior y el Desarrollo (Fedesarrollo) (Foundation for Higher Education and Development)

Costa Rica

  • Academia de CentroamĂ©rica (Academy of Central-America), San JosĂ©


  • CorporaciĂłn de Estudios para el Desarrollo (CORDES) (Corporation for the Study of Development), Quito

El Salvador

  • FundaciĂłn Salvadoreña para el Desarrollo EconĂłmico y Social (FUSADES) (Salvadoran Foundation for Economic and Social Development), La Libertad


  • AsociaciĂłn de InvestagaciĂłn y Estudios Sociales (ASIES) (Social Research and Studies Association), Ciudad de Guatemala
  • Instituto Centroamericano de Estudios Fiscales (ICEFI) (Central American Institute for Fiscal Studies), Ciudad de Guatemala


  • Centro de Estudios Espinosa Yglesias (CEEY) (Espinosa Yglesias Study Center), MĂ©xico
  • Centro de InvestigaciĂłn EconĂłmica y Presupuestaria (CIEP) (Center for Economic and Fiscal Research), MĂ©xico
  • Centro de InvestigaciĂłn y Docencia EconĂłmicas (CIDE) (Center for Research and Teaching of Economics), MĂ©xico
  • FundaciĂłn BBVA Bancomer (BBVA Bancomer Foundation), MĂ©xico


  • FundaciĂłn NicaragĂĽense para el Desarrollo EconĂłmico y Social (FUNIDES) (Nicaraguayan Foundation for Economic and Social Development), Managua
  • Fundacion Internacional para el Desafio Economico Global (FIDEG) (International Foundation Global Economic Challenge)


  • Instituto Desarrollo (Development Institute), AsunciĂłn


  • Grupo de Análisis para el Desarrollo (GRADE) (Group for the Analysis of Development), Lima
  • Instituto de EconomĂ­a de Libre Mercado (IELM) (Institute of Free Market Economics)
  • Instituto de Estudios Sociales del RĂ­mac (IESR) (Rimac Institute for Social Studies), Pueblo Libre/Lima
  • Instituto de Libre Empresa (ILE) (Free Enterprise Institute), Lima
  • Instituto Libertad y Democracia (ILD) (Institute for Liberty and Democracy), Lima


  • Centro de DivulgaciĂłn del Conocimiento EconĂłmico (CEDICE) (Center for Education on Economic Knowledge), Caracas
  • Instituto Libertad y Prosperidad, Caracas


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