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          University Rankings: Top 10 Economics Departments in Europe


University Rankings: Top 10 Economics Departments in Europe

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With the application deadlines for PhD and Master’s courses in Europe approaching, we decided to post a list of Top 10 European Economics Departments to support your decision when choosing the right institution. As all university rankings have their flaws and there is an obvious shortage of rankings for specific disciplines, we combined two ranking systems in one table: RePEc, Top 25% Economics Departments (February 2013) and QS World University Rankings by Subject (2012).

As we described in our previous post, both rankings use significantly different methodologies:

QS Rankings – Economics and Econometrics

The QS Ranking is based on a survey among academics, which asks them to rate universities by research output, a survey among employers, which asks these to rate universities on the quality of graduates, and then additionally faculty/student ratio, citations per faculty, and ratios of international students and faculty.”

RePEc – Top 25% Economics Departments

Updated monthly and based on a variety of REPEC data, including number of authors, citations and popularity ratings, the REPEC department listing is in many ways the most complete economics department listing around. It is, however, reliant on authors and institutions registered with REPEC, which although very comprehensive, does not claim to be complete.”


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