The INOMICS Awards 2022


The INOMICS Awards 2022

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Now in their sixth year, the INOMICS Awards remain unique in their celebration of institutions committed to the career development of economists worldwide.

Based on aggregating the total interest in offers publicized on INOMICS during the previous year (see methodology) winners were chosen across 7 different categories. In each category, we identify the Top 3 institutions as well as those in the Top 20, listed in no particular order. 

The awards (past awards) hope to acknowledge the universities, research centers, economics schools, banks, think tanks, and government and private institutions which listed their career and study opportunities on INOMICS in 2021, and were the most popular among our users.

INOMICS Handbook 2022

The full list of award winners can be found in the INOMICS Handbook 2022, alongside expert career advice from economics professors and a fascinating interview with economic historian Adam Tooze, who offers his wisdom on the economics landscape. Download the INOMICS Handbook for free.

Top 3 Employers

University of Copenhagen (Denmark)
University of Cape Town (South Africa)
Queen Mary University of London (United Kingdom)

Top 3 Training Course Organizer

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
University of St.Gallen (Switzerland)
Barcelona School of Economics (Spain)

Top 3 Places to Do a Master's

University of Luxembourg (Luxembourg)
CERGE-EI (Czechia)
University of Alicante (Spain)

Top 3 Places to Do a PhD

Graduate School of Economic & Social Sciences (GESS), University of Mannheim (Germany)
University of Surrey (United Kingdom)
University of Konstanz (Germany)

Top 3 Conference Organizers

Review of Socio-Economic Perspectives (RSEP)
Ruhr Graduate School in Economics (RGS Econ) (Germany)
Masters International Research and Development Center

Top 3 Summer School Organizers

University of Oxford (United Kingdom)
Paris School of Economics (France)
The University of Surrey (United Kingdom)

Top 3 Scholarship Providers

CEMFI (Spain)
The Institute for Employment Research (IAB) (Germany)
UniCredit Foundation

See all winners in Handbook
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