35 years of flexible inflation targeting – Challenges and Opportunities | Reserve Bank of New Zealand | 6-7 March 2025



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35 years after the inception of inflation-targeting, the Reserve Bank of New Zealand – Te Pūtea Matua will host a research conference in Wellington on 6-7 March 2025 to understand the challenges to flexible inflation targeting and the opportunities to polish it further in the post-pandemic world. Dr. Ben Bernanke and Dr. Catherine Mann will give the keynote addresses. 


We invite empirical as well as applied theory papers relevant for monetary policy-making covering focus areas including but not limited to:

• Global value chains, supply shocks and inflation

• Monetary policy and structural change

• The use of high-frequency data for monetary policy analysis

• Transmission of alternative monetary policy tools

• The role of inflation expectations in monetary policy transmission

• Assessing monetary policy mandates

• The interaction between fiscal and monetary policy

• The financial stability implications of monetary policy

• Neutral interest rates in small open economies

• Asset market dynamics and monetary policy

• External shocks and their implications for small open economies


Important dates

1 November 2024:  Email complete manuscripts to conference2025@rbnz.govt.nz

3 December 2024: Acceptance notification

7 February 2025: Final versions of papers due

6-7 March 2025: Conference


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The Conference Programme Committee

Phone IA==

2 The Terrace

6011 Wellington , New Zealand