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          Top Economics Departments Worldwide 2015


Top Economics Departments Worldwide 2015

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Economics is a science related to all aspects that happen in the daily lives, from decisions made in the familiar level to decisions made in governments and companies. Studying economics is ideal for people who are curious about facts that happens in their surroundings. Moreover the study of economics is an excellent way to acquire problem-solving skills and cultivate logic thinking. A degree in economics open opportunities in different industries, whether you would like to explain the performance of financial markets, analyze macroeconomic policies or provide insight about the performance of markets for goods and services, the economics knowledge prospects a brilliant future and carrier.

We have revised different rankings that provide information about economics departments around the world.  We have hand-selected the best universities from you based in lists provided by institutions such as QS Rankings rom different rankings such as QS Rankings and US News Ranking

Department of Economics, Columbia University

New York, United States

Department of Economics, Cornell University

Ithaca, United States

Department of Economics, Harvard University

Cambridge, United States

Department of Economics, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)

London, United Kingdom

Department of Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Cambridge, United States

Department of Economics, National University of Singapore (NUS)

Singapore, Republic of Singapore

Department of Economics, New York University (NYU)

New York, United States

Department of Economics, Princeton University

Princeton, United States

Department of Economics, Stanford University

Stanford, United States

Department of Economics, Australian National University

Canberra, Australia

Department of Economics, University of Tokyo

Tokyo, Japan

Department of Economics, University of Warwick

Warwick, United Kingdom

Department of Economics, UCL (University College London)

London, United Kingdom

Department of Economics, Bocconi University

Milan, Italy

Department of Economics, University of California, Berkeley (UCB)

Berkeley, United States

Department of Economics, University of Cambridge

Cambridge, United Kingdom

Department of Economics, University of Chicago

Chicago, United States

Department of Economics, University of Oxford

Oxford, United Kingdom

Department of Economics, University of Pennsylvania

Philadelphia, United States

Department of Economics, Yale University

New Haven, United States


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