Junior Professorship (W1), non tenure track, in “Macroeconomics” (f/m/d)


Assistant professor / lecturer



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Job Start Date

Annual Salary

71527 EUR

The given salary is the minimum annual gross salary. If certain requirements are met, successful applicants will be temporary civil servants, which reduces taxes.



The junior professor is expected to carry out empirical and/or theoretical research in the field of Macroeconomics. The post holder will participate in the teaching program of the Alfred-Weber-Institute for Bachelor’s and/or Master’s degrees in economics, which are offered in German and English. Teaching in English is possible. The course load is relatively light, approximately one course per term: the obligated teaching load is four hours (each 45 min) per week before, and six hours per week after the evaluation, which typically takes place after around 5 years. The appointment is limited to a maximum duration of six years. Provided that the general legal (German civil service law) and budgetary regulations are fulfilled, it is intended that the employment will have temporary civil service status.

Applications should include a CV listing all relevant publications and the names of two potential references, a job market paper, and teaching evaluations (where available). Complete applications should be sent to the Vice Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences Prof. Dr. Kathia Serrano Velarde by e-mail: (jobs@wiso.uni-heidelberg.de). 

The deadline for applications is 22 February 2025.

More information can be found on:
Previous assistant professors at the Alfred-Weber-Institute became full professors or obtained other tenured positions afterward:
For informal inquiries on this position, please contact Prof. Dr. Zeno Enders (zeno.enders@awi.uni-heidelberg.de).

A Ph.D. in Economics or related fields and, ideally, publications in leading journals are prerequisites for a successful application. The professorship is a temporary qualification position. In accordance with Article 51 of the Higher Education Act (Landeshochschulgesetz) of the state Baden-Württemberg, candidates are required to have a completed university degree, an outstanding dissertation in a field relevant to the duties concerned, and pedagogical aptitude in the field of macroeconomics research. For applicants who have held academic positions before or after their doctorate, the duration of pre- and post-doctoral employment together should not exceed six years.

Heidelberg University stands for equal opportunities and diversity. Qualified female candidates are especially invited to apply. Equally qualified persons with severe disabilities will be given preference. Information on job advertisements, the evaluation statute, and the collection of personal data is available at https://www.uni-heidelberg.de/en/job-market.

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Assistant professor / lecturer



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Job Start Date

Annual Salary

71527 EUR

The given salary is the minimum annual gross salary. If certain requirements are met, successful applicants will be temporary civil servants, which reduces taxes.




Bergheimer Str. 58

69115 Heidelberg , Alemania