- A Win for Science
- Posted 1 year ago
Scientists rejoice: the UK rejoins the Horizon Europe programme
International cooperation is important for economic growth, because it allows societies to grow more than they could on their own. When countries specialize in the economic areas they are relatively more productive in (utilizing their comparative advantages) and trade with other nations, everyone is made better off.
- Blog Post
- Posted 4 years ago
Were We Ready for Brexit?
2021 began not only with an understanding that COVID-19 restrictions would likely continue for some time, but that the effects of Brexit – Great Britain leaving European Union – would also start to be felt. That Brexit would bring about changes to the UK/EU border was known for months. And yet, when it happened, most of the carriers and state institutions were not ready, creating (or rather, extending) the chaos in ports and near the Eurotunnel.
- Blog Post
- Posted 4 years ago
Sudden Delivery Disruptions Due to Pandemic Will Not Go Away Any Time Soon
At the end of 2020, chaos in the transport industry ensued after many European countries, including France, decided to ban all travel from the UK. The reason was the rapid outbreak of a new COVID-19 strand. Ultimately, the industry was not ready for such a turn of events. It is incredibly difficult to prepare for what came to pass: in the morning everything started as usual, and then a few hours later, all change and a 180-degree turn.
- Blog Post
- Posted 6 years ago
No Deal Brexit and the Effect on Europe
The Brexit clock is now deafening, and the British political and media establishments seem utterly consumed by its inexorable ticking. In the public realm, little else is considered, even less discussed. And yet, despite this obsession, with just 42 days before Britain departs the European Union, negotiations for a withdrawal agreement remain in deadlock, and the hopes of breakthrough seem to be fading. At the core of the dispute is the Irish backstop and, by proxy, participation in a customs union. On both, neither the Conservatives nor Labour appears capable of sincere compromise, favouring, instead, a game of high-risk brinksmanship. The stakes: the future of the country. By using the approaching deadline as leverage, aimed to cow opposition, Prime Minister Theresa May is gambling, big. And at the point of writing, it's unclear who will hold their nerve. Without concessions being made, Britain will crash out of the EU with no deal, with World Trade Organisation (WTO) tariffs beckoning.
- Blog Post
- Posted 6 years ago
No Deal Brexit and the Threat to Developing Countries
In the cacophony of the Brexit debate the names Phnom Penh, Dhaka and Addis Ababa, if ever spoken, are rarely heard. And yet, with the March deadline looming on the not-too-distant horizon, and little, if anything, seemingly agreed upon, it is they who stand to be most affected, particularly if a no deal comes to pass. And things in that regard are not looking good.
- Blog Post
- Posted 6 years ago
No Deal Brexit and the Threat to UK Universities
With every passing day - and they seem to be whizzing by now – the likelihood of the UK leaving the EU without a deal, known as a ‘no deal Brexit’, is increasing. For the large majority, the prospect of this is nightmarish. In the event, it is widely understood that there would be a number of inevitabilities: the economy would slump, possibly crash; many businesses would flee, and with them whatever tax receipts they hadn’t yet evaded; and the Tory hard right would sit back and revel. That only a handful of MPs and a slither of the broader population actually desire this, testifies to the failure of parliament, and more so, the failure of government in dealing with the negotiations. For two years, it has concerned itself with little else, shelving manifesto pledges to deliver the country here, to the now. And the situation, to put it lightly, is a shambles.
- Blog Post
- Posted 6 years ago
With Britain's Brexit Negotiations in Flux, Let's Talk About No Deal
The reporting of British politics for journalists has rarely been so onerous. Dramatic landscape shifts in the form of u-turns, resignations, and unexpected elections, are now so frequent the lifespan of articles, previously measured in days, are better predicted in hours - sometimes just a handful. Last week’s rapid-fire resignations of Brexit Secretary, David Davis, and Foreign Secretary, Boris Johnson, over their intransigence regarding Britain’s Brexit strategy epitomised this difficulty. Following the double salvo, it looked, albeit briefly, as though anything was possible: a vote of no confidence; a leadership election; maybe even a general election. All bets seemed off.