Department of Economics, Tilburg University

Economics in Tilburg has a long tradition. In fact, the discipline can be identified with Tilburg University since its establishment in 1927. *Mission*: From its long record and performance it is not difficult to derive a broad characterization of the department. The department of economics is a group of ambitious people, dedicated to the economic discipline, eager to do fundamental and applied research, enthusiastic to teach and work with the students, willing to interact and collaborate with fellow members. The common goal is to achieve excellence and relevance, both individually and together. The open and flexible organization of the department is an important condition to realize this mission and to guarantee the attractiveness of our jobs. *Research*: The ambitions of the department in conducting research are high. Criteria to get tenure are very competitive at this point. Achievements include a continuous flow of top and very good publications, as well as scientific citations, in a variety of fields. People are mobilized in the macro/micro research group of CentER, but often they also participate in other groups, e.g. the finance group. Moreover, department members successfully collaborate in research centers like Tilec, Netspar, Tiber, TSC and EBC. The seminar culture in the department is rich and the number of grants and research subsidies (NWO, EU) is significant. Contract research is scarce but growing. *Education*: Education is well developed and broad. The department owns (and manages) three educational degrees: the the BSc Economics (specialized and selective), the BSc Economie & Bedrijfseconomie (broad) and the MSc Economics (incorporating four specialized tracks). The department also participates in other degrees of the School: macro and micro courses for students in the business programs, basic and topic courses in the Research Master, advanced courses in several other MSc programs of TiSEM. Moreover, the department also teaches in educational programs of other Schools, such as Law, Liberal Arts, Honors and Outreaching. Photo Credit:Tilburg University [3]   s:// s:// [3] s://www. .com/photos/tilburguniversity/14050088138/in/album-72157627490618388/

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5037 AB Tilburg , Niederlande