The School of Business at the University of Hong Kong was established in
1995. The School offers bachelor's degrees concerning resource management,
finance and accounting, marketing, international business and global
management to local and international students. The School also provides
double degree programs, which are among the top rated programs at the
Furthermore, the School has established the nationally recognized Asia
Research Center and frequently participates in international and regional
Related Institutions
University of Hong Kong
- Department of Psychology, University of Hong Kong
- Department of Civil Engineering, University of Hong Kong
- Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong
- School of Business, University of Hong Kong
- Department of Politics and Public Administration, University of Hong Kong
- Faculty of Engineering, University of Hong Kong
- School of Economics and Finance, University of Hong Kong
Contact Information
Contact Email
+8522 3917 1000
Contact Phone
K.K. Leung Building, Room 1305
Hong Kong , Hongkong Sonderverwaltungszone der Republik China