The School of International Studies (SIS) of Peking University, is the first
school of its kind in all of China. It is an important teaching and research
platform devoted to the training of specialized talents in international
studies, international political economy, and diplomacy. SIS was officially
founded in 1996, however, the origins of SIS can beย traced back to
several decades earlier. In 1960, the Department of Political Science was
created in Peking University and three years later, the Department was
renamed the Department of International Politics. From 1996 to 1998, the
Department of International Politics, the Institute of International
Relations, and the Institute of Afro Asian Studies merged successively, and
SIS was the final product of the merging process.
SIS is organized into three reputed departments and three institutes, namely,
the Department of International Studies, the Department of Diplomacy and
Foreign Affairs Management, the Department of International Political
Economy, the Institute of International Relations, the Institute of Afro
Asian Studies, and the Institute of World Socialism. In addition, SIS is the
host of more than twenty research centers. On the administrative side, SIS
has a general office, an office for student affairs, a center for development
and exchanges, and an editorial office for the journal of International
Politics Quarterly.
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Contact Information
Contact Email
Contact Phone
School of International Studies, Peking University, 5 Yiheyuan Lu, Haidian District,
100871 Beijing , China